Initial feedback on the Nintendo Wii

26 September 2003
I posted my feedback on another forum and since we had a discussion on video game consoles before, I wanted to copy and paste it here too.

I bought Zelda, Monkey Ball, RedSteel and one other game (forget right now since I only opened Zleda).

In any case, I set up my Wii yesterday which also included setting it up to accept my wireless router. Now keep in mind, I'm a newb when it comes to game consoles since my last one was just a regular Xbox.

I started out by playing the sports package games which included bowling, tennis and some others. I have to say that I like the movement controls of the remote. However, I realized after a while that I could actually perspire playing these sports games. So I stopped. :biggrin:

Then, on to Zelda. The graphics of the Nintendo is not the selling point compared to PS3 or Xbox 360 but I was still impressed with the analog connections. I hear they will come out with HDMI connectivity in the near future. In any case, I can't describe the gaming of Zelda because it is like nothing I've ever played before. With the nunchuk in my left hand controlling my movement and the remote in my right hand (which is resting on an armrest), I never once felt any kind of controller fatigue. It was so comfortable playing and I never got that Nintendo thumb feeling that I would always get back in the day after playing for an hour or so.

So far so good and I am happy with my Wii. I'm waiting for Nintendo to put up more classic games so I can download those onto my Wii (you have to buy a retro remote control to play those games, which I did).

Comments welcome

(by the way, I'm 30 so I'm not a kid and not one of Nintendo's target audience)
I managed to snag one from Amazon right after 8am. No one knew what time it was going onsale, and the site had all sorts of issues. That method was pretty crazy with a high probability of failure, but it was easier than fighting the crowds in Los Angeles, which wasn't worth it to me. It's scheduled for delivery tomorrow. The word from my friend who works at Neversoft (they received 78 in the mail last friday) is very positive, so I have high hopes. Zelda, Rayman, and Monkey Ball are the games I'm going to check out.

From amazon's wii page:
We are currently out of stock: We sold out of our initial supply of the Wii on Sunday morning, November 19, in less than one minute. We expect to receive periodic shipments of the Wii from Nintendo throughout the holidays and we will post availability updates in this section of the product detail page as well as in the customer discussions below.

I got mine from my brother who was waiting outside Sams with his wife. They were #5 and 6 in line (store only had 6).

I went to Toys R Us on Saturday night at midnight (they had 100) and the line was too long. I got a ticket by an employee stating I was #158. It makes me wonder why those people who were past #100 were even bothering with waiting in line. Anyway, as I am leaving, some lady asked me if I wanted to buy her place in line. I laughed.

On another note, I went to a different Toys R Us on Sunday morning and there was a line of people waiting. The store was only letting in a few at a time. I went to the guy working in the front of the line and asked if I had to wait in line to buy games and accessories for the Wii. He said no and let me walk right in. I could feel all the eyes of the people waiting in line outside as I walked right in. I grabbed a bunch of games and accessories and went to check out. As I am doing so, the cashier begins to ring me up for a console. At this point, I'm thinking, why even have a line outside with someone monitoring who goes in if you're going to let anyone walk in under the pretense of not buying a Wii. I politely declined the console and left. As I was leaving, since I had a bunch of games and accessories, my bag looked pretty full. Those same people outside were glaring at me. One dude asked me to open my bag and prove there was no console in there. I obliged but wanted to call him a jacka$$ for even accusing me of cutting in line. Oh well.
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DVDoughboy said:
One dude asked me to open my bag and prove there was no console in there. I obliged but wanted to call him a jacka$$ for even accusing me of cutting in line. Oh well.

good thing you did!! Mobs can get UGLY!! :eek:
for sure... specially with people getting shot for PS3's... probably a good idea...
stormrider said:
Dude forget the Wil, have you see the Gears of War for the 360 yet? Damn, that's a awesome true next gen GAME!!

I picked up GoW, a couple weeks ago, it's quite good, despite a few issues. The co-op mode is fantastic! I need to pick up a vga adapter so I can try it out at 1080p! Definitely worth picking up.

I purchased a Wii on the first day of release. I only had to wait about an hour in line.(I did not need to camp out) The first game I opened was Zelda: Twilight Princess. I agree, nothing surprising about the graphics, but it's just great to play with a new style of gameplay.

My feedback for the Wii sports demo.
Lots of fun. Its something different. Something new. Not only did I benefit from how much fun it was, but having to get some exercise as well. It's a great way to burn calories and to entertain yourself at the same time. I think the Wii sports demo is definately the perfect game that introduces the basics of the Wii's features.

I just got my:frown:. It was hard to get, called every place for 2 week straight, tried at least 20~30shops. Finally got it after I woke up early stayed in line from 4AM and waited in line for 4 hours after Walmart made the announce for the new shipment last week, this is 2 weeks after Wii launched.

Can't believe they make you work so hard to spend your money:mad:, there were easily 200 people fighting over the 33 units they had available. It is a shame to see people walked away disappointed, many parents were there with their kids, only to walked away empty handed.

Here is my review, and a silly comparison:
Wii is like NSX (graphics is not that great, but it is overall package that made it so good. Having better graphic in addition to this package would be even sweeter)
XBox 360 is like C6 Z06 (lots of power, beautiful graphics, a lot cheaper than PS3)
PS3 is like 997 Turbo (lots of power, even better than Z6 Z06)

I only purchased the Red Steel, since the system already come with Wii Sport. The Wii sport came with the system is awesome. I like the boxing the best because it sense your body motion, you can move your body left or right to dodge punches. Can't wait for newer games that take better advantage of this innovative controller. I am really looking forward to pick up some Japanese game next week in Japan, I heard the Hajimete no Wii is really good, althrough it is not region free, the top loader can be used to boot up Japanese games.

It is worth getting even if you never touch video game in your life.
I was able to pick up a PS3 off ebay from a local guy. The carbon game is awesome, I have been playing that alot. I am really disappointed that the PS3 does not have a keyboard and mouse options for FPS games like they said they would before launch.

I will be buying a wii very soon, as soon as eb games gets some more in.
I'll probably buy one just for the sports games. Bowling with friends would be a blast.

The 360 and all the games I have already keeps everyone busy though. Gears of War is fantastic!