indy cruise pics!

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Nice meeting you Bobert and Bob_54 :) sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to the others, who else showed up?

most of my pics of Bob's NSX were blurry, and there was a smudge on the lens when I was taking all of the group pictures :frown:

I was there earlier...if you had been to lunch on time you would have seen me! :biggrin:
Looks like you had a good turnout/mix of cars. I always miss out on all the fun:mad: I'd love to tag along on the next one, schedule permitting. Keep us posted.

I was there earlier...if you had been to lunch on time you would have seen me! :biggrin:

yeah I was confused when they said the Diablo was there earlier but then Dan had his NSX :) man I can't believe I missed that silver Jaguar though, do you know if they were part of the group or just coincidentally at the restaurant?