Indy Car attempts to self destruct.

I've lost faith in Robin Miller, he is part of the problem. They all (owners and Miller) want it both ways. I don't follow the rules enough to tell if RB played favorites to Honda but it looked like IRL changed their rules mid stream. Then they fled the line to Lotus. Not terribly consistent.
But IRL is still using the NASCAR approach so any story is a good story.
I've lost faith in Robin Miller, he is part of the problem. They all (owners and Miller) want it both ways. I don't follow the rules enough to tell if RB played favorites to Honda but it looked like IRL changed their rules mid stream. Then they fled the line to Lotus. Not terribly consistent.
But IRL is still using the NASCAR approach so any story is a good story.

There is no more IRL, it is now IndyCar.

RB has not done anything wrong. IMO the owner's biggest beef should be the cost of the car. More goes into it but, some of the DW12's components (not all made by Dallara) came in heavier than anticipated. Dallara was behind the eight ball to reduce weight and adjust the weight distribution, and apparently jacked up the prices on things. I have not seen anything from RB on putting pressure on Dallara (or any other supplier) on the cost of the car.

But, it appears what really ticks off the owners (which all happen to be those with Chevy engines) is that Honda was allowed to make a change. The issue went to arbitration (ruled against Chevy) was appealed (again ruled against Chevy) and now these owners have their panties in a bunch.

It was great to see Honda sweep the podium today at the Chevrolet Belle Isle Grand Prix, held in the shadow of the GM HQ.

I love IndyCar and follow it closely. I have fond memories watching it on TV and attending races with my dad back in the 80s as a kid and in the early 90s. Shortly after the split I stopped watching for a while and came back a few years before the unification. Just as the series seems to be gaining momentum over the last few years there is news of this infighting. As a fan it is very frustrating.
haha, I didn't detect the sarcasm font :smile: