Indiana to Canada and back again in the NSX....and a snow and ice, fun!!

1 May 2001
Point of No Return
Today completed yet another chapter in the continuing series of 'Indiana to (fill in destination) and back again in the NSX'. This segment is from this past weekend when I left my sunny and cool Indiana home and set out towards Barrie, Ontario, Canada to visit my fiance. The trip is roughly 500 miles ONE WAY and is all highway, so the NSX and I usually settle in and casually put miles beneath our respective feet at a pretty healthy pace. ;)

The NSX and I were on an even more healthy pace than usual as we zipped up I-69 North through Michigan and saw a set of unusual headlights approaching us in the opposite (southbound) lane. The car was low, white, with a black top, and from the front (and a distance) kind of looked like an NSX, so I popped up my lights to say 'hello'. But as the car approached it became evident that it was not an NSX, but was a PROTOTYPE CORVETTE!!! WOW!! It was kind of cool to see it testing on the highways instead of the usual mundane test mules I usually see when passing through Michigan (although I do enjoy seeing ANY test mules of 'secret' cars, it is just fun for me). So that was a highlight of that part of the trip, but there was more fun in store for my trusty car 'Phantom' and I. :)

Approaching Canadian customs I was thinking, 'Okay, I hope that the NSX does not cause a problem with crossing,' since I seem to have the most unusual car in the line. Sure enough, everyone else moved through superquick and the NSX and I were detained and searched. No reason was given for the search, and when I asked they really did not say much other than, 'Please stay at the front of the car,' and that was about it. Oh well, so goes life. No biggie, just an unwanted delay.

Friday evening saw the NSX and I blitzing across Canada and sailing through Toronto and then onto the 400 North to Barrie. I love this part of the trip (the 402, 401, 400 combo) because for about 3 hours I am driving with traffic that in the fast lanes moves at about 90-100 mph and does it rather safely at that. People generally move out of your way, and it seems everyone just wants to get where they are going, which is okay with me!! The NSX really seems to settle in at high speeds and feels great. I love this car. :D

Saturday I stopped by Acura of Barrie and inquired why they have NO NSX literature, pictures, or even anything that would indicate that they even sell the car, and the guy said, 'Because we never see any of them'. Imagine that. No advertising or promotion of the car, and you never see any? :rolleyes:

A neat twist was that the sales guy (after seeing my NSX) led me to a room where the dealership owner keeps his red NSX-T (#000029) and his red Ferrari F355. The Ferrari was under a cover and I said, 'Wow, an F355 is in here,' and the sales guy was like, 'No, it is not. I do not know what is under there, but it is not a Ferrari,' then lifted the cover to reveal a red F355!! Moron. :D :rolleyes:

Fast forward to today (Sunday) as I was making even better time on my way back home to Indiana. The usual 'brisk' pace had the NSX and I in our groove on a day that started out with light flurries but no big deal. Traffic still moved at about 100 mph when the flurries stop and the roads dried (did I already mention that the NSX feels REALLY at home at those speeds?). Well, as I pass London, Ontario and jump on the 402 West and get about 20 miles in when, BLAM!! SNOW AND ICE STORM!!! ACK!! The road went from dry and clear to whitout conditions in about 100 yards. It was crazy and scary, especially when you consider that I have my Pirelli P-Zero Nero tires, and Prodrive GC-06D 17/18 combo on. But the fun did not stop there, oh no!! :)

About a mile or so into the whitout the 402 is CLOSED OFF and detoured onto a country road in worse shape than the highway!! So now you have way too many cars, on a road that is a SHEET OF ICE with blowing snow, heavy winds, and no real ability to see. The NSX was getting moved around by the wind itself, so I can imagine how tough a time the semi-truck drivers were having. There were cars off the road everywhere (including a nice 350Z Convertible) and I was in 1st and 2nd gear primarily for about 40-45 minutes straight. I kept telling the NSX that if he managed to take care of me, I would take care of him as well. I think I made a deal with my car to get the timing belt service done early and we had an agreement to help each other through the journey. LOL! :D

So I was driving in an Arctic tundra condition in my little white sports car, and the funniest thing happened. Once I finally reached and crossed the border from the USA to Canada the snow STOPPED!! It was like it was contained to Canada only. WOO-HOO!! We were off again at our usual pace. Of course we ran into some problems with a ricer in an Eagle Talon with an exhaust that kept trying to race me no matter how much I tried to ignore him. Eventually he just had to exit. Then there was a black Corvette C4 that let me pass, then tailgated me, then when I got over he floored it past me trying to get a race from me which I denied. Sorry bud, already moving along faster than everyone else here, I do not feel like getting jailed today. :) was a great trip. 3 days and about 1,300 miles of driving later and I still feel that the NSX is one of the best cars in the world. I love it more and more everytime I drive it. The car has been out of storage for only about 4 weeks and I have driven about 5,000 miles. It truly is a wonderful car. Now, I really need to give my car a bath. I will post pictures soon, but there is a LOT of dirt to clean. Oh well, all part of the fun. Get out and drive your NSX everyone!! It misses you!! :D
great story !!!!...

I can't wait to pull the X out..but that won't be til late april or early may.....i have to wait til the street cleaners come out to clean up all the sand that they dumped on in the winter months....
gotta love the 400 series highways in Ontario. You're right most people drive 90-100mph without problems and people don't block the lanes and everyone gets out of the way.

I was driving through NY this weekend and I could not believe how slow people drive, how they tend to drive side-by-side at the SAME DAMN SPEEDS and no one gets out of the damn way. As soon as I got to the QEW into canada bamm I was flying again.
Thanks for all the replies. It was a great trip, but I did check my tires today and noticed that they are now BALD on the rear!! ARGH!! These things are only about 4 weeks old and time for new ones. Oh well, I guess 5,000 miles will do that to you. All part of the fun. :)

(*Good idea about the journal. I think I will right this trip down.)
92NSX said:
You are a inspiration to us all!!! Keep it up.

Thanks!! I try to inspire when I can, especially when the inspiration is something as wonderful as the NSX. This car really is great. Everything about it is enjoyable to me, and I cannot imagine just letting the car sit around. It was funny actually, because I remember thinking, 'Hey, I have put more miles on my car in 1 month than most other NSX owners will do in a year,' and I was happy about that, yet sad for those that let their cars sit for no real reason. I love this car too much for that... :)
Meeyatch1 said:
(*Good idea about the journal. I think I will right this trip down.)

Think PHOTO journal. Much easier, plus I get to live vacariously through the pics once you post them.

White94 said:
Think PHOTO journal. Much easier, plus I get to live vacariously through the pics once you post them.


LOL!! I am glad that you get to 'live vicariously' through my drives. Looks like the right car too...mine is a white '94 NSX as well. ;)
Meeyatch1 said:
Saturday I stopped by Acura of Barrie and inquired why they have NO NSX literature, pictures, or even anything that would indicate that they even sell the car, and the guy said, 'Because we never see any of them'. Imagine that.
Did you expect them to be any different from 90 percent of the Acura dealers in the States? Even most of the dealers who do a lot of NSX work in the service department have little to nothing to help sell the car... :(
satan_srv said:
Barrie is what 100,000 people?
Chicago has 8,000,000 people. If you went to all 9 Acura dealers in the Chicago area, and counted how many had an NSX in the showroom and/or NSX literature or pictures clearly visible, I'd be surprised if there were as many as 2 out of 9.
nsxtasy said:
Did you expect them to be any different from 90 percent of the Acura dealers in the States? Even most of the dealers who do a lot of NSX work in the service department have little to nothing to help sell the car... :(

Well, Ken...YES I did at least expect them to have a picture of the car, or at least some proof it exists. Most dealer DO at least have pictures, even here in podunk Fort Wayne, Indiana. :)
I guess I almost forgot how some of the 400 series HWYs here sail along. My baby is stored away, and almost ready to hit the road. Sounds like you had a nice trip, amazing how well the traction control and over all stability the car has in ice, snow, rain etc. :cool:

Yeah most of the dealers haven't seen an NSX, there weren't that many sold in Ontario over the last few years. I can say all the dealers that I have visited have either sold one or seen one at some point or another.

A quick story here... I was at the dealer getting an oil filter, the parts guy was busy and said he have my filter ready for me a few minutes. He told me a 1991 Blk Auto was in the show room, so I decided to go have a peak. The car only had 12000Kms on it, and looked amazing, wish my paint still looked that good. It still had the original tries on it.

An older sales lady was looking at me, and since I was doing an oil change I was wearing my beat up work clothes. She noticed me looking at it, and ignored me! :mad: I was asking her questions on it, and she wouldn't give me the time of day? So the parts guys comes over and hands me the oil filter and asks how my NSX is doing. She instantly looked at us and walked over. The parts guy asked me what I thought...

I told him I loved the paint, too bad it was Auto, I love 5spd. The sales lady's mouth droped. I think she finnaly noticed my car parked right in front of the show room doors. :D Ignorance is bliss...
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Meeyatch1 said:
BLAM!! SNOW AND ICE STORM!!! ACK!! The road went from dry and clear to whitout conditions in about 100 yards. It was crazy and scary, especially when you consider that I have my Pirelli P-Zero Nero tires, and Prodrive GC-06D 17/18 combo on. But the fun did not stop there, oh no!! :)

About a mile or so into the whitout the 402 is CLOSED OFF and detoured onto a country road in worse shape than the highway!! So now you have way too many cars, on a road that is a SHEET OF ICE with blowing snow, heavy winds, and no real ability to see.
You really ought to consider getting a set of winter tires for a long trip to Canada in the winter. You might want to consider talking to the folks at the Tire Rack; I hear they really know their stuff when it comes to tires... :D
nsxtasy[/i] [B]Chicago has 8 said:
WOW !!!:eek:
I thought our town was decent with 1mil.
I just checked and the most recent figures show the population of the Chicago metropolitan area at 9 million, not 8 million. This makes Chicago the third largest city in the country, and it's usually ranked roughly the 22nd largest city in the entire world, with about the same number of people as the metropolitan area of London, Paris, or Beijing.

Throw in another million or so folks living 90 miles north in the Milwaukee area, and you can see why we have such an active group of NSXers, with over 50 members of the NSX Club of America in the area. A lot of whom will be in our big NSX Club event in Northern Indiana in a week and a half.
nsxtasy said:
You really ought to consider getting a set of winter tires for a long trip to Canada in the winter. You might want to consider talking to the folks at the Tire Rack; I hear they really know their stuff when it comes to tires... :D

Yeah, I hear that they might know a thing or two.... ;)
Re: Indiana to Canada and back again in the NSX....and a snow and ice, fun!!

I just re-read this one....I love my car. :D
Re: Indiana to Canada and back again in the NSX....and a snow and ice, fun!!

In the spirit of the winter season I figured some people would enjoy reading this old post I found. :)
Re: Indiana to Canada and back again in the NSX....and a snow and ice, fun!!

you're ca-ra-zy ;)
Re: Indiana to Canada and back again in the NSX....and a snow and ice, fun!!

Damm bitch where is the part about stooping over my house and having a cold one? Ooooohh I forgot you drove right buy .......again! :mad: