Incredibly funny eBay listing

The guy is a very good self promoter. When I first looked at this auction about an hour and a half ago there were 75,000 hits. I just looked again and it is now 81,000. I wonder how many people that look at the auction click on his link. Out of everyone that clicks the link, how many buy. I would say this guy is a genius.

Here is his link.

Typical anglo saxon humor and I love it. I wish I was back in OZ or NZ, boy I miss those people and their sense of humor. :D :D :D
Typical anglo saxon humor and I love it. I wish I was back in OZ or NZ, boy I miss those people and their sense of humor.

Our sense of humour is being relayed to you right now on this very board! eh, Neo?

Watch Red Dwarf for smegloads more, or DAAS Kapital by the The Doug Anthony Allstars. rip:(