Incredible Military Photos

2 October 2001
Wow... talk about catching the moment.

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Very nice images Neo. Thanks for sharing them.

Wondering though if these are stills from a video versus say a well timed (almost perfect) snapped image.
Don't thank me: thank the USA for make such cool equipment. :cool:

To my understanding, the military uses high speed cameras that can shoot up to 1500 fps! :eek: That is how the bullet passing through an apple was captured so still. They can play the stills until they find the perfect frame. It's useful for the Military to be able to see exactly how a bullet may enter & exit it's target.

Of course, not all photos are taken with such professional equipment, as this amazing photo demonstrates:

Here's a couple more amazing Military photos

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and not quite so amazing...

EDIT: A quite shocking video clip of a B52 crashing!!!! :eek: (450KB) Was this an accident or staged?!?!

EDIT: Mark, yup...beat you, but you're still the NSXprime Hero. :D
They look like stills from a high-speed camera. Most videos (film or digital) don't have the per-frame resolution for those shots.

Edit: Oops, NEO beat me to it by a few swconds.
Those were taken with a variety of cameras. I can tell different cameras were used, 2 high speed movie cameras, 1 video camera, 1 digital camera, and 2 still film cameras. It is not uncommon for a still film camera to have shutter speeds well over 1/2000 sec, in fact Minolta makes a 35mm camera with 1/8000 shutter speed for $250.00.

The crusader photos, taken during testing in 2000, could have been a synchronized still camera or, more likely, high speed film. The crusader program was cancelled by DoD in May of 2002. The crusader could fire up to10 rounds per minute, and could fire up to 8 rounds timed to hit the target at the same time.

The other howitzer photo, doesn't look like a crusader, looks to me to be from a video camera during testing. Notice the registration mark on the body and barrel.

That said, they are great photos.
I remember that B-52 crash. The pilot was showing off (had a past history of it) and it caught up with him. Killed a few people with that mistake. There's also footage of the same pilot buzzing his kids soccer game, and flying over a friend of his standing on a ridge, clearing it by less then 15 feet!
The photo of the bullet passing through the apple must be about 30 years old. I remember it from childhood, in fact my sister has had a framed copy for about 20 years.
I cannot get that B-52 video to play...are there any other formats of it?
<B>Meeyatch1</B> : It uses the Indeo codec to play. You can download it from <A HREF="">here - indeo 5.11</A>.
it's not available in any other formats that i know of.
hope that helps.

<B>mdb</b> : thanks for the info behind that B52 crash... was wondering why it was so out of control.