increased drag on rotors?

3 November 2003
Chicago, IL
I tried to rotate my front wheels and it seems I have to actually push them to turn...they just don't rotate as easily as they used fact on a slight 10-20 degree incline on my driveway...the car will not roll down the driveway even with the E brake off!!!!!!!!!

I popped the front calipers off and everything seems does not look like the calipers are sticking, the brake pads are not stuck in the spring retainers...

They only thing I see are the rubber seals around the brake pistons are degraded and "flaking off"...could this be the reason for the increased drag on my front rotors? Should I rebuild the calipers despite my excellent braking performance?
I don't know the answer to your question about increased resistance when turning. But...

mystican said:
They only thing I see are the rubber seals around the brake pistons are degraded and "flaking off"...could this be the reason for the increased drag on my front rotors? Should I rebuild the calipers despite my excellent braking performance?
The piston boots (the rubber seals you're referring to) are there to keep road dirt and such from getting inside your calipers. Your brakes will still work but the calipers could eventually encounter problems if you don't replace them. I think it's a good idea to replace them - it's not urgent, but I would do it when you get a chance.

Acura sells the parts you need (piston boots, etc), whether you do it yourself or have a mechanic do it. Mine seem to need replacing once every couple years...