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In The News out of FL

6 September 2001
Hey All,

A warning for those of you whom get your nice rides published in the magazines.

I received a call from a company called In The News out of FL. After saying they spotted my article and talking cars... they asked for my mailing address to send "some information" on their 'products and services' which I had hinted I wasn't interested in. Apparently some type of memorabilia crap, man did they ever get the wrong celebrity... I don't even have an interior let alone a NSX crystal or titanium key. :smile:

Several weeks later, a UPS ground package shows up with a plaque and lay-up in it. As I was busy, I was unable to deal with it and put the package aside rather puzzled by the un-expected delivery.

The next week a bill shows up for $437 for a custom plaque of a magazine lay-out that I did not order, demanding immediate payment or late fees and possible collection action by their firm. Good thing I didn't open it!

I immediately contacted the better business bureau sensing this was one of those shake-down style deals so I could be sure to have a nice documented trail. To me the matter was very simple- don't prey onenthusiasts out of magazines, send them product they didn't order, and then attempt to bill them for it.

I finally had UPS refuse the package, return to sender. This provided me with proof of refusal via the tracking number. After three weeks of back and forth with the company over BBB... whom BTW were lieing their A$$ off claiming they sent me a 'letter of guarentee' which by not responding to entitled them to send me 'product for inspection'.. and they had "all this "lay-out time invested" and had to "cut their losses" right... it's a classic shake down.

Suffice to say, this company's BBB file looks pretty shoddy... be fore-warned if these guys contact you.
I ordered from them when my car was in Honda Tuning. They pulled that same routine with me, just called me out of the blue in my office none the less. The product they provide is awesome, I had no idea of this kinbd o shady practice.
Wow, John, they got me about 4 years ago while I was in Hawaii! I guess I was ballin' then, because I don't even remember how much it was, the package came (don't remember the phone call) and it said here's your plaque, send us some money! The plaque looked pretty good, the layout I did for a local magazine and I guess someone in my office cut them a check. I didn't even remember the name of the company until I saw your post...I have the plaque on my desk here at home, next to my StarWars figues...metal scorpion and praying mantis...:cool: