importing and driving car into canada

21 April 2011
Hey guys,

I've pretty much landed a car in the US which i would like to import into Canada. Only problem is that the drive back is approximately 28hrs in total. Now this is by far the longest drive i will ever do. From your expertise, do you think it would be safe to drive the NSX that long. Since i don't know the united states all that well, i would hate to drive for such long hours and have the car break down on me due to excessive driving. Also, since i live in toronto, which border crossing would be my best bet to cross through without any hassles. Detroit border or lewiston border? I really need your help since this is the first time i am doing such type of transaction. Now, the owner of the NSX still owes money on the car. He was asking to have the money transferred straight to his credit union. Is there any other way i can go around doing this. Basically he is asking to get the funds before even seeing the car. If anyone is kind enough to give me their contact info so i can talk to you in person over the phone it would be wonderful.

Thanks so much guys. Cant wait to be a part of the nsx owners
Re: importing and driving car into Canada


Bring the car over...

1-You also need to send the papers to the US Customs 72 hour before bring the car over the boarder.
2-You have to bring the car to US customs for inspection between 8-4 PM Mon - Fri, you can't do it on the weekend.
3 -You have to arrange Insurance coverage
4- You have to get a temporary license, to drive the car back.
5- Lewiston and Detroit are the two boarder crossing that you can have the car inspected by US customs.

These are just a few things required to drive the car back to Canada

Hopes this help.

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Hey Ed,

I think it's you isn't it? Ed if you've had the car inspected - it will be no different than driving an Accord home. You'll have no issues beyond normal. I wouldn't think twice about the drive time if it's been looked over before you leave.

I think Ed knows how to import it, but is looking for help with plating the car on this side of the border to get it home.


If this isn't Ed - another new owner is asking me and I don't know what to say to that question.

As far as which crossing to bring it over, I brought mine over at Port Huron/Sarnia. Not too busy and straight forward. I can't speak on the other two.
I bought a 1991 with just under 100k miles on it in Virginia. I drove it 1900 miles home to Winnipeg with no problems. Then 5 months later I drove it to Las Vegas and back. All I did was put on new tires and change the oil. I put close to 10k miles on the car from May to November. Not a single problem with the car. It is a blast to drive long distances.
Hehe no I'm not Ed. You have me mistaken for someone else. Anyways guys, i also talked to the guy again today and he said that he had a fender bender on the rear passenger side of the vehicle. He stated that due to strong winds he lost control of the vehicle and hit the guard rail. He also stated that the rear fender was replaced. Should i be worried about all this??? What should i be looking for in regards to post accident symptoms?? Seller states that the car is in mint condition but i don't want to just trust him. I would like to buy with confidence rather than just taking someones word of mouth.

Thanks for the help and advice guys.
Something smells fishy here- it may be nothing, but get it checked out. Protect yourself: get a PPI done by a reputable shop in the area. If you do decide to buy the car, then don't pay cash!, look into using an escrow account/lawyer, and be sure to get the CLEAR title from his bank. These steps may add an extra few days to the transaction, but if this is a great car then that doesn't matter; if it isn't then you may save yourself from making a mistake.

A cross-border transaction involves A LOT of trust. I recently completed one, and fortunately for me the seller was open, honest, and I felt comfortable trusting him after a while.

At first we were both "feeling each other out" so to speak- as the NSX can attract some shady sellers with suspect cars, and some buyers who may be clouded by desire, or are reaching far beyond their financial limits.

Finally: take your time. There are plenty of NSXs out there, just be sure that you are not chasing a deal that is too good to be true.

hey guys, this actually is Ed (eddy) and I do have a plate question, The current owner is in Ohio and i have checked the car out and its great so no concerns on driving it back and I do plan on crossing at Port Huron as I grew up in Sarnia and know that area well.
he is willing to leave his Ohio plates on it and my insurance will temporary insure it untill i get it back to London and get the appraisal on the car.
so the only thing im trying to figure out is can I get an Ohio travel tag or permit to drive it back???
can I get without being there or do I have to be present.
the current owner was checking into it but we have had no answer yet.

thanks guys
I would just get a 30 DAY Temporary Tag/Plate and drive the car home with these, and when you get back to Ontario you can drive the car around to get the various check and test with the T Tag/Plate.

You don't want to get stop in the States with plates that does not belong to you...expecially in an much questions.

And trust me this car get A LOT of attention.
