Important Tips Fer Nsxstock 2007

3 October 2002
good morning mr phelps....

1] po-lease review starter thread, especially itinerary here<--------------------!

2] we will NOT start at bridgewater acura, arrival there is in mid afternoon. i cannot help you if you start @ bridgewater acura. please tell bill vince...:wink:

3] no whining about "... your hungry..." what do i look like, a chef?? veiled threats like this always work on my kids... please recharge tummy at panera, bring snackies & sippies for the haul, and feel good that in the end, you can slide a fuddburger down your piehole in the afternoon.

4] start time is 9am, i'll be there way early. also if you want to help, let me know a' la pm...:smile: . this is a HARD start time, don't be late.

5] weather looks perfect!!!, but you may want a jacket for the mine tour if ur a wuss.:tongue:

anything to add laskie??
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For some wacky reason your link to the meeting start point is.......DEAD!:eek:
Does this mean we are departing from the Panera Bread lot at 9am?:confused::smile:

Just curious how early I need to wake Bags...:biggrin:
Now you've gone and done it Tony, I know that Bags is coming and I'm going to have all the info on all the goodies that you've purchased with her hard earned $$$$$$. By the way I see that Honda is stopping production on the Accord Hybrid, now you'll have 2 classics!!!
Now you've gone and done it Tony, I know that Bags is coming and I'm going to have all the info on all the goodies that you've purchased with her hard earned $$$$$$. By the way I see that Honda is stopping production on the Accord Hybrid, now you'll have 2 classics!!!

She considers the Accord a dud :smile: Not a classic. She is also telling me that she may not want to get up early on Sunday - so, don't get your hopes up that you will get to see her!:tongue:
As I said before, she knows about the stuff I listed and purchased with my not so hard earned money. She asked this week about the new lens I want and offered to buy it for me as an advance birthday gift!:biggrin:
She considers the Accord a dud :smile: Not a classic. She is also telling me that she may not want to get up early on Sunday - so, don't get your hopes up that you will get to see her!:tongue:
As I said before, she knows about the stuff I listed and purchased with my not so hard earned money. She asked this week about the new lens I want and offered to buy it for me as an advance birthday gift!:biggrin:

Wrong, you're the dud, the Accord is the classic!!! She's already told me that you don't work hard (or is it hardly work, I forget), as far as the lens, let her buy it for you as that way I can't accuse you of hiding it from her!:tongue:
For some wacky reason your link to the meeting start point is.......DEAD!:eek:

um, that was wacky, linky fixed.
tony! meet starts at 9, "leaves"[ in a relativistic sense, aka lightspeed...] at 930am...:smile:
and, no i won't drag bags into this discussion...:tongue:
more tiddies...

6] travel includes a brief jaunt thru federal land. you do not want to be busted for anything here, as i assure you, court will convene a thousand miles from have been warned.

7] club radios are welcome/encouraged...

8] those folks in laskoland may want to pickup rt 206 @ rt 287 north exit 22 ,
and head north thru att/peapack/gladstone/chester/flanders to mt olive.

9] the cruise will be on a handout, AND psychedelic orange tape on signposts AND psychedelic pink & orange spraypaint on road...COOL!

10] parking at the sterling mine will be in the first lot, next to the astronautical
observatory. this is a stone lot so tread lightly.... i will need someone to help coordinate parking there for the money shot. volunteers?? pm me :smile:

11] all new nsx event participants must have signed releases for "death by bunga bunga" initiation :biggrin:
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12] your eyes, open your mind....