IMpatient Idiot

6 September 2002
Northern VA are welcome to flame, torch me.ect....i don't care!!!!

I took my X out to work today....nicee and smoothe. on the way back, i stopped at the light waiting to make a left turn. Generally the light turned green for me to turn:D. About a second later, i hear reving behind me so hard and horn so loud and long that China would be alarm. What the heck is wrong w/ this scenario? can the light turn completely first? i would happily turn promptly just give me a freaking chance. anywho, with this kind of conduct and mr. nice action is required in response to this behavior. i took my car off the first gear, look back thru my rear view mirror to adjust my shade, and politely look out of the window to see if his car had blown up already. sure enough.... the reving, name calling still persisted.....make a long story short, i turned right after the light turned yellow....he burned his wheels, came next to me and call me name as i gave him a STUPID LOOK.:cool: what should be done w/ this impatient prick?

alrightttttt.....go a head with your flaming arrow, torch, and whatever............................
Calvin, Ramon told me he took Saturday off to show his Chevelle at Crystal Cove. People were blown away with his drivetrain. Said there was only 2 NSX's, you didn't go? Gil :D
omg....the whole car rocks when he revs the the engine....i was at the shop when we played with the car.....a chevelle isn't my cup of tea, but the power sure tickles my elbow......."tickle me calvin?" hahahahaha

coolnsx said:
Calvin, Ramon told me he took Saturday off to show his Chevelle at Crystal Cove. People were blown away with his drivetrain. Said there was only 2 NSX's, you didn't go? Gil :D
The other night I was going home (in the fast lane) and came upon a pick-up going 65 in a 65. I patiently waited for them to merge over or increase speed. I couldn't go around, because of a car on the right going the same speed. This went on for 5 miles. It was as if he was attatched to the car on the right! I then inched closer to them and over to the left so to be seen in their side mirror. Another 3 miles go by and no change. I am pissed by now. A gap opens up on the right. I think they will finally move over......NOPE. I then go around on the right and then go back into the left ahead of them cause of more slow traffic in right lane. They immediately turn on their brights. I was tempted to lock my brakes and get behind them and return the favor, but I stayed calm and kept driving. I took my exit and so did they. I got up to the yield sign to go right and they were behind me. I could have went, cause it was clear. I saw about 50 cars coming filling both lanes. I waited til just before the big group was there and quick pulled out. I felt MUCH better the whole night thinking of that guy sitting there for 5 min waiting for an opening. That is a "smarter" road rage! My heart rate is at a much better level, but I still get my revenge. ;)
I have recently seen this too. Here is the story.

Okay I was driving down on of the main roads in our city and I was in the right side of the road. I stop at the red light and I wait. Then when the light for the people that are crossing the road turned red. All you started to hear was yelling and screaming. I look over and its these two guys in a rusted up red corrola screaming at a white van, beside me. Okay I'm thinking why the heck is the guy yelling at the guy if the light is still red. The light turns green and then the guy in the van starts to go and the guy behind him starts yelling move it you going too slow. So for about 20 seconds while we're driving we are seeing this impatient moron yelling at the guy in front of him. Then after the 20 seconds the guy just pulls over and lets the idiot by. The corrola just goes off speeding and I never seen the guy again.

Then I think to myself why the hell people drive like that? Why would you be so impatient that when the light is red you still need to go through? Also there was a passenger and I bet you that guy was embarrased with his friends horrible driving and attitude.
one of these day i am going to blow up seeing these kinds of behavior. i am going to just get out of my car, pull out my gun, and shoot all four of the tires.....oh wait, i am NOT in the movie. :D
I just was a victim of road rage tonight. On the way home, an idiot nearly hit me in his pick up. I had the right of way at the stop sign, and was about 70% complete with the turn before he decided that he would pull out and turn. He nearly hit me, but fortunately he didn't.

This guy proceeded to flash his lights at me, and flick me off!! :eek: It was totally his fault and he was giving me the finger.

I was a bit upset at this turn of events. I was okay with the fact that he was impatient taking his turn and nearly hitting me on the side, but the idiot had the galls to flip me off.

I honked my horn in disgust, and this guy stopped his car, and got out, and wanted to fight me. If he had gotten any closer, I would have rammed his pick up to get out of there. Anyway the guy threatened to kill me.

I drove off, and he jumped in his pick up and proceeded to follow me very closely, intent on following me home.

Fortunately I knew of an off-duty police officer who kept his squad car at his house. I drove to his house, and leaned on the horn for nearly a minute.

Meanwhile this idiot drives up to me, and continues to threaten me.

Finally the noise caused the police officer to come out. As soon as the officer started to come out, the idiot driver sped off as fast as a cat, screeching his tires. During all of this commotion I had memorized his license plate.

Anyway I told the police officer what happened, and when I got home, I filed a police report. The police are on their way to find this idiot and see what his problem is.

People turn into total idiots behind the wheel sometimes!!
Hahahaha! What a great resolution NsXMas! I'm glad you were able to get that loser off the road so effectively.
Autophile said:
Hahahaha! What a great resolution NsXMas! I'm glad you were able to get that loser off the road so effectively.

Thanks Autophile. My heart is still racing a bit from tonight's memory.

Please be careful out there!! You never know when that drunk driver will cross your path. I'm glad I was able to take one off the streets tonight.
T Bell said:
The other night I was going home (in the fast lane) and came upon a pick-up going 65 in a 65. I patiently waited for them to merge over or increase speed. I couldn't go around, because of a car on the right going the same speed. This went on for 5 miles. It was as if he was attatched to the car on the right! I then inched closer to them and over to the left so to be seen in their side mirror. Another 3 miles go by and no change. I am pissed by now. A gap opens up on the right. I think they will finally move over......NOPE. I then go around on the right and then go back into the left ahead of them cause of more slow traffic in right lane. They immediately turn on their brights. I was tempted to lock my brakes and get behind them and return the favor, but I stayed calm and kept driving. I took my exit and so did they. I got up to the yield sign to go right and they were behind me. I could have went, cause it was clear. I saw about 50 cars coming filling both lanes. I waited til just before the big group was there and quick pulled out. I felt MUCH better the whole night thinking of that guy sitting there for 5 min waiting for an opening. That is a "smarter" road rage! My heart rate is at a much better level, but I still get my revenge. ;)

I don't know if any of you watch the show "Motorweek". A while back they did a story of a study that was done and classified drivers into about 5 categories. I don't remember them all, a few of them were drivers that always try to make good time, drivers that just plain speed for no reason, and one of the types determined to be the most dangersous is the type of driver T Bell described. Someone that tries to "police" traffic. Apparantly, they are the cause for more road rage incidents than anyone.
Here's my quick story, which shows the other side of PoohBear's situation:

My wife and I were in the backseat of our friends' car, and we were stopped at a red light in the left turn lane. My friend's wife didn't notice the green arrow come on for left turns, and after probably 3-4 seconds, the guy behind us gives a quick rap on the horn, to get her attention (absolutely not obnoxious), so she gets angry, flips him off, and then takes the turn.

Oh, I let her have it. She pissed me off with her attitude, because, too often, I see that kind of reaction from other drivers, and I have never understood it. What, someone can't politely get your attention with a short honk, to let you know that you are daydreaming?

People who get angry over things like this baffle me. It's almost like they don't want to admit they made a mistake, and by getting angry and making gestures, they negate their actions.