I'm so frustrated!

14 February 2007
My car was supposed to be arriving tomorrow. I've been amped all week about it. I called the hauling company and they said that the driver had mechanical issues in CO, and now it won't be here until Tuesday. What are they trying to do to me!!!
My car was supposed to be arriving tomorrow. I've been amped all week about it. I called the hauling company and they said that the driver had mechanical issues in CO, and now it won't be here until Tuesday. What are they trying to do to me!!!

I'll make a road trip to CO to take you and go get it... where are you located? :biggrin:
Could these mechanical issues be the driver having a blast in your car on a winding Co road?
Ferris Bueller - style
I know the feeling....although totally different situations the wait was just killing me!
Thats exactly what happened to me. The carrier truck broke down and my car was delivered 5 days late.... I feel your pain. Just start shopping for mods like I did. I had 10 parts for my car before I ever drove it...:biggrin:
Hehe, Dave's car is more like Frankenstein than an NSX.:)
I bought my car in CA and had it shipped to Hawaii 2 weeks after I bought it. The car was delivered to the carrier on a monday. The car arrived here in Hawaii within 4 days but I picked up the car 5 days after it arrived at the docks. The car arrived on a friday and I received a notice on monday. I called the carrier on tuesday morning and the carrier said the car will definitely be off loaded from the boat and ready for pick up by friday. I went to the carrier on wednesday afternoon anyways because I was anxious. The car was actually ready for pick up on the past monday. I waited 23 days for my car. Matson did an awsome job delivering my car. It was just the due in proccess that took a while.

Hang in there man.
Ask for a discount. I'd be very p*ssed off if I my NSX was sitting in the back of some dumb carrier in an unkown shop in the middle of some strange town.:mad:
And it's been XX months later and his car now has.....................................

ZERO of the original parts!!!!! Just ask him!!!!! ROFLOL

No offense intended Turbo2Go

Plenty O original parts still left that need changing Brad. :biggrin:

I can't help myself dude! its this forum and that freaking monster in the garage I am totally posessed!
It may be because the vehicle is switching transport trucks, and they are attempting to coodinate with the actual truck that will bring the car to you. Breaking down is a common excuse in the industry, when they are trying to buy time to save money, and put the car on a truck that is coming your way.
My car was supposed to be arriving tomorrow. I've been amped all week about it. I called the hauling company and they said that the driver had mechanical issues in CO, and now it won't be here until Tuesday. What are they trying to do to me!!!

I seriously doubt these guys -carriers seem to have an inordinate number of mechanical break downs when delivering cars.....I believe it is just a way of providing a quick delivery estimate and never making that estimate. Just my thoughts.