I'm new and so is my NSX (to me)

19 March 2005
San Diego
Hi -- It took a 12 months to find the right one but the search ended yesterday. I know it was 12 because i cleaned out my Yukon last week and found the mapquest from first one i loooked at March 2004.

Betty Ford was starting to call my name.

Its black/ivory with 50K and unmolested. Still had the cell phone cradle car kit in it.

Whew! I can finally sleep at night... or wait... who am I kidding ...no I can't...i was up at 5:10 am today laying in bed wondering where I could drive today for no reason whatsoever except for the obvious.... :smile:

Congratulations. However, your odyssey has just begun. Soon you will learn what i/h/e means.....

Take Care
like I always say, enjoy the ride :wink:
Congrat's and welcome to the cult.

If you haven't already, check out the extremely helpful FAQ section on this site. There's grip of useful info. in there.

Where are you located? Show us some pic's!

Congrat's again and remember...

Keep the shiny side up!
Much thanks!
I am in San diego.
I'll get some pics up soon. :smile:
