Im gonna lose my NSX...

25 August 2003
Cave Creek, AZ
Damn... now im real upset. I recently put a depost down on a sweet 1995 NSX. While i was test driving it... the freggin EPS came on. Now I know all about the recall and so we sent it to the Acura dealer next day for repair. What it comes down to is that Suburban Acura in Michigan will not fix it under the recall. The recall only extended the warranty on the EPS for 8 years from the date of purchase. Well guess what... this car sold on 7/31/95... so basically Acura said i was 41 days beyond the warranty so they wont fix it. What crap!

I called American Honda here in Calif and opened a complaint to see if they will Goodwill the work. Now i have to wait another week just to see if they will fix it. The dealer i bought it from will not agree to pay for it so basically i will lose out on this fabulous car and they will lose out on the sale too. 41 freakin days! The salesman and I are extremely pissed.

SO... when i drove it the steering was fine to me... (its an auto too) so my question to you all is:

Do i really need it?
Will it hurt to drive w/o it?

Im thinking i'll just forget about it till next year so i can save the $1400 to fix it later, unless someone wants to donate one to me :p ;)
EPS Problem

I just went through exactly what you are talking about. EPS light on, couldn't be reset by disconnencting power as some on this board have been able to do.

My 95's 8 year extended warranty expired in June of this year. I was somewhat fortunate that the dealer I bought the car from had attempted to fix the EPS problem prior to the expiration of the warranty at an independent mechanic. Showing that the problem pre-dated the expiration of the warranty.

We called Acura and they agreed to goodwill the repair, which my local Acura dealer says is a $2000 repair. Mine's in the shop now receiving the new EPS equipment.

Because my car arrived with the problem, I can't say for certain what the steering would be like without the EPS light on. It feels to me like there is no assistance at all with steering, most notable while moving slow. I drove the car for four fun filled days before relinquishing the car to Acura for the repair. I didn't note any problems, particularly above 5 miles per hour.

Good luck, be kind and courteous to those folks at Acura and you may find yourself with a new power steering system.
Nah.. im still keeping it cool (for now) cuz i know they may just goodwill it anyway.

When you called Acura was it really Honda America or an Acura dealer? Honda said they were going to assign a case manager to go look at the car.

just wondering... when you called did they immediately say they would goodwill it? Or did you have a rep look at it also?
EPS Light

It was Acura corporate and there was a case agent assigned. I had the selling dealer make the initial calls because I thought Acura would have a greater incentive to keep a dealer happy. I spoke with case agent just to tell them where I wanted to get the work done. It took 3 or 4 days to get an answer, then a couple more days of phone tag to let them know where I was getting repair done. I then called local Acura dealer and told them to expect a fax from corporate approving my repair.
41 days thats BS.
Is it Suburban Acura of Novi?
Who did you talk to at Suburban?
Did you talk to a service rep?

I can talk to the Acura North America rep for you, he knows my car VERRY WELL. :(

I have his card at work, but I wont be there until Monday.

I have had a few problems there, but the service manager (Gary)
will go the extra mile to fix things.
My window regulator broke when it was there and he fixed it for free. :)
I can call Gary on Friday if you want.

They have only one good tec there, he is in the middle of installing a BBSC.

Who are you getting the car from?
If I can be any help let me know.
Thanks Brian
I have this problem on my NSX as well. They are saying that it was a simple relay or some sort. It did not work and my light is still on as well. What is it that is being quoted at $2000 to fix.
I tried to have mine fixed last year and they said the simple fix was not it. Maybe I should be pushing forward with this as well.
Can one of you tell me what they are replacing on the car that is near 2k?
What's being Fixed for $2K

Because the car is at the dealer as we speak receiving the repair, I go only assume based on the my discussions with the service manager that the entire electric power steering system is being replaced for that price.

I would not miss a chance to get this handled as a warranty repair.
Do i really need it?
Will it hurt to drive w/o it?

I drove mine without EPS for 2 years, before I finally decided to get it fixed (under warranty). I actually liked it without power steering, but it was tiring sometimes to maneuver at very slow speeds.
SigEpUCI said:
I drove mine without EPS for 2 years, before I finally decided to get it fixed (under warranty). I actually liked it without power steering, but it was tiring sometimes to maneuver at very slow speeds.

What did they fix on your car? After calling the dealer on my car again, they tell me that if the relay didn't fix it, than it wasn't under warranty. But again this dealer charged me to fix the O2 sensors when they were under warranty. Then they told me it was due to the fact that I changed my transmission.
I guess I will have to call Acura monday.
Well as I figured... Acura/Honda called today to give me the bad news... the guy (Lee) said the car is 41 days outside the extended warranty and they will not goodwill the work. Typical. I swear the Customer Service skills of people in the US totally sucks lately.

Is the car still worth buying?

Unless I missed it, asking if it is worth buying is hard to answer since you did not state the price:)!!!!!!!!!!?????????????

Hi Larry,

I got a good deal (just under $40k) but I will not take possession unless it gets fixed. Car has 31k mi and impecable condition inside and out. I guess I was just being fecitious in that last question.

What I really meant to ask was "is this the type of service I can expect from acura in the future?"

If so, then no matter what I pay for the car, it makes me question Acura. The guy didn't even bother to look at the car. He basically said "there's nothing I will do for this car." I even asked why the dealer hadn't done this recall work the last time it was serviced, he had no answer. Basically, if the owner doesn't specifically request the recall work be done, the dealer won't perform the work. That's what he implied.

He was a national service rep... can I escalate higher?
If he is the rep for your area (the one that actually travels to each dealer every month or so) than you probably will find it very difficult to get anyone at corporate to override his decision. If this is someone you have only talked with on the phone who has not met with you in person, then talk with the Service Manager and try to set up a meeting with the rep when he is going to be at the dealer again.
Acura is not going to goodwill the work because you dont own the car. Try getting the owner to take it in to a different dealer.
95t with 31k mi and impecable condition, for just under $40k Thats a sweet deal.
Have the owner split the eps service with you and run.
The owner did attempt to have it repaired but got same answer. Technically i own it because i've paid in full and the title has been signed and sent. This indep dealer i bought from is awesome! Today he agreed to buy the part and have his repair shop install it for free tomorrow. So... god willing... it should arrive next week and just in time for... winter! :mad: This dealer was absolutely professional about the whole matter and was intent in making the sale happen and making a customer happy. We are both just surprised acura wasn't more helpful.