I'm dreaming of a white.......halloween?!

28 March 2002






<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/-6B6Q-g-8KU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
It is 16 celcius here in London. That's 61F. Brought 2 raincoats and an umbrella several weeks ago and have not used them yet! :smile:
I mowed the lawn in the morning, took a dip in the pool, then met up with some friends for nsx washing and detailing...oh yeah its 88 degrees and sunny....
Yeh, on Saturday morning I mowed the lawn and by the afternoon I shoveld the driveway and on Sunday morning I was chainsawing my way out of and around the house from all the tree carnage:mad:. The good news I didn't lose power this time...I miss the days in Cali where we only had a little earth movement every now and then and the ocasional fire storm through the forests.


BTW...as always great shots Bob!


I havent seen this happen in a while in PA. Its mostly all melted away now. In my area we maybe got 5 inches. Are you in PA RSO?
I'm in NY (around 50 miles north of NYC)

Got just over 12 inches. No power/heat/water since 2pm Saturday and not expected to get it back until perhaps this Saturday.

Here are some iPhone shots - except for first one - (only way to get anything uploaded without power/landlines/internet, etc.....)

The tree carnage depicted is just a small sampling of the damage within 2 miles of my house. It took me 2 1/2 hours to go 10 miles to get firewood.










I'm in southeastern CT, and just got power and internet back after about 50 hours. I was out of power for over a week when Irene hit, so I am glad we got it back sooner this time.

It has been some crazy weather this year.

We had about 8 inches of snow, but it was very heavy snow. That is why so many trees came down.
You guys got hit pretty hard over in new york! I have this tree that was planted when I was born and its all types of damaged. Im am so pissed about that.
After just moving to Florida from NYC, there are a lot of things I miss. This is not one of them.
Bob, as long as your well! That road looks more like a war happened? Does it usually get that bad? Great pic's as always, thanks.
Bob, as long as your well! That road looks more like a war happened? Does it usually get that bad? Great pic's as always, thanks.

Thanks Gil. Lost power for "only" 4 days which made me one of the "lucky" one. Those roads were just a small sampling of the damage around here. Those same scenes could be found on every single road within at least a 20 mile radius here. We still have trees being cleaned up a week later.

And that 4 matic was the best investment I made last year (got 88 inches of snow last season) since not only did it get me through this snow but also under all those low trees/wires.
Thanks Gil. Lost power for "only" 4 days which made me one of the "lucky" one. Those roads were just a small sampling of the damage around here. Those same scenes could be found on every single road within at least a 20 mile radius here. We still have trees being cleaned up a week later.

And that 4 matic was the best investment I made last year (got 88 inches of snow last season) since not only did it get me through this snow but also under all those low trees/wires.

I thought that the snow tires/wheels weren't a bad investment either!!!:wink: