If you were 007, your girl's name would be...

Mine would be: "Time For Some Fun."
Haha! Sky Swallowes!

Kinda nasty girl, she is... :D
Mine is Malena Goodenplenty! Sounds fine to me!!!!

Typed in Luds and his was Shira Scheetz. I'm not to found of sharp objects in my bed!!

Also tried Mike Marr(supergreen125) and his came up Ivana Wetlands. Me like that one.
My NSX Prime username -> Candy Swallowes
My real name -> Amber Swallowes

I see a pattern here

Mine is Coco McCox.. :cool:

Guess who this is then: Jasmine Beaverbanks

Yes your answer is correct..it is Nsxtasy :D