If you could fight anyone(and win) who would it be?

Luckily she's pretty much computer iliterate.
Also, she doesn't like riding in my NSX........to low, to cramped, to fast, etc. Hey, that means it satys that much cleaner !!
I'd fight Ghandi!! Or the Pope!!

Just kidding
Couldn't help it....

This is so funny. I have sat here for 15 minutes trying to think of someone. When I was 18 I could have rattled off a list of people a mile long. As I have grown wiser and older I have realized that fighting is not the answer to anything.
Whe'll I agree in a big way and on that note.The fight wouldn't need to be physical perhaps intellectual or legal fight.The Ghandi thing was actually out of the movie "The Fight Club" and I burst out laughing when I heard that line .That someone would be arrogant enough to even concider fighting Ghandi.1st off hes very old(or looks it) very frail,and most rediculous is that he is world known for his peaceful teachings.I though this was the funniest thing I had heard in a while.Check it out Brad Pitt and Edward Norton play a great part together the story is hard to explain and it would ruin the movie if I told you.


hey larry, how big a boy are ya? i'll have to come over there and open a can a whup ass!! and ya can bring along Ghandi too!!

i'll be the ol boy wearin a nascar cap pullin up in a ol chevy nova, so ya be lookin for me, ya hear!

hhhaaaahhhaaha. i love this site, you guys are too much fun. just kiddin about the chevy nova. post scriptum: i actually do like nascar!