If you are looking for a car that can take your breath away...


hmmm, ok Ojas you're one SICK-PUPPIE! i was thinking maybe Koennigseg (sp?), Zonda, Enzo, TVR, or your cherished Ultima GT; heck even MclarenF1... but T-H-I-S!?! WTF :eek:

[I need a warm mug of coco & think of a happy place...]
You have to be kidding! There are so many kit cars, NSX's, and others that in my mind are better that would make this car a very poor investment IMO.
From eBay listing: The body panels were individually rolled by a professional crafstman...

Craftsman of what? HVAC sheetmetal fabrication?
Whew, that thing takes my breath away, alright.... :eek: :confused: :rolleyes:
Looks like a Delorean beaten with the ugly stick :eek: What sick twisted individual would do this to a car...

Honda -- Do you see this? This is the rear-end we want on the HSC!!! :D
according to the seller "the car Had a small brake problem". that's one hell of a break.
coolnsx said:
You have to be kidding! There are so many kit cars, NSX's, and others that in my mind are better that would make this car a very poor investment IMO.
Well, considering the high bid right now is $510, it doesn't sound like a very risky investment :)

Of course, it'll cost you $50 to get a junkyard to come pick it up.

I'm confused. The Murcielago is showing a bid of $12.5K !!! Based on the pictures, I don't see a single thing that could be recovered, what the hell is going on?
That thing is fugly!!

It looks like it caught on fire and somebody tried to put it out with a shovel:D:D:D
man, that first car looks like it belongs in battlestar gallactica...
btw, the title of this thread says "takes your breath away" ... and it reminds me of this COKE commercial i saw a little while ago. duno if people have seen it?

it starts off with this wanna BE kid (who thinks he's some big shot rapper) and does this sort of MTV crib style spot... and he shows off his entertainment stand in his living room. and he says something to the extent of "when you're friends are over, you GOTTA have something that'll take their BREF (breath) away" and points at his like 18" screen.... ROFL:D

ok, maybe its just me...
This is what happens when people think origami can be apllied to other materials.................

What kind of retarded sea monkey would even consider this???

Ebay really is turning into a homecrafts garage sale.
Seems more like 'take your lunch away' than take your breath away, no?