If I see that picture on the internet, I'm coming after you.

30 January 2005
Sarasota, FL
I alluded to this in the "Best/Worst Police Stories" thread and here's the whole story. I posted this on another board and it generated a lot of discussion so rather than hijack that thread, here it is.

If I see that picture on the internet, I'm coming after you.

That's what the state trooper told me this past Sunday morning. Do I have any choice? No, here's the picture

The story goes like this. My wife and sis-n-law take off for the store. Less than a minute later they call and tell me that just around the corner and down the street (maybe a half mile from home) a truck has run into a house and I might want to go take a look.

So I jump in my car and head that way. Sure enough, there's a house with a truck sized hole and a truck being pulled out of the hole onto a flatbed wrecker. As I drive by slowly, I raise my camera with the intent of snapping a pic quickly as I creep by. There's a state trooper parked in front and just as I go to snap the picture, he gives me a big toot with his siren which I take as a clear signal to keep moving. So instead of taking the picture, I park a couple houses down, get out and walk back, and proceed to take a picture.

So, the trooper gets out of his car and wanders over to me. He asks me if I know the homeowners and I say no. He tells me I shouldn't be taking pictures, pulls out a note pad and asks me my name, address, and zip code and if I'm with the press. I answer his questions and don't give him any guff at all (by now my camera is in my back pocket). He asks me how many pictures I took and I tell him I took two (which is the truth).

He goes on about privacy of the homeowners and how now I'm part of the investigation and how I should offer my pictures to the homeowners either as evidence or let them ask me to delete them. I don't see any profit in arguing with him that I'm in public standing on a pedestrian sidewalk looking across the street at this house and am perfectly within my rights to take pictures. I've been around cops enough to know this can only ruin my day, even if I were to be proved right in the end.

I tell him that I hear what he's saying and I understand his position. Clearly he's only just barely satisfied with my noncommittal answer and as he turns to walk back to his car he gives me the parting shot over his shoulder.

"If I see that picture on the internet, I'm coming after you."

WTF? It's one thing to stand there and listen to his bull, after all he is the one with the handcuffs and the gun, but how can I let him say that to me without putting it "on the internet?"

Oh well. Part of me wishes I'd challenged him and continued to take pictures (as you can see, being rushed resulted in a single crappy shot - the other was even worse) and perhaps given him the URL where he'd be able to find the picture. But I had stuff to do that day and god only knows how that would have played out.

Postscript. I watched the local newspaper for a story about this accident and saw nothing, so I called and talked to a reporter. As soon as I mentioned the street and time, the reporter knew exactly what accident I was talking about. They had been there but had received such an unfriendly reception from the homeowner, they'd left. All the reporter could tell me was that it was a drunk driver and the driver was not related or known to the homeowners. I checked the county sheriff's website for drunk driving arrests but found nothing that fit this time & place.

I've got an urge to call the state troopers HQ and ask for information but another part of me says "walk away and forget it". At this point, I don't know what I'll do. The cynic in me thinks the driver might have connections that kept him/her out of the news and out of jail and if that's true, I might be better off not knowing.
State troopers in Indiana are famous for their lack of intelligence, and have smaller penis' than county or local cops (or so I have heard). :eek:
jim's going to the big house!!!!

since when is it a criminal act to take a picture in this situation???
from where you're snapping, you could be rummaging through garbage
placed out at the driveways edge, as it is public domain.
how can that image offend, or invade privacy???

it's funny that you get busted for this pix, yet go to
fantasyfest, & take a picture of a man painted as
an elephant, with a "swinging trunk" wanker...:rolleyes:

may i contribute the first $100 in your defense??:biggrin:

btw, the drunk driver will probably sue the houseowner
for building too close to the road...
theres a 2 foot tall guy standing on the state troopers car!!!
an interesting thread. can't help but wonder who the driver of that vehicle was to make the cop so agitated - perhaps one of their own?
jolly good!

ktan said:
theres a 2 foot tall guy standing on the state troopers car!!!

Wheelman said:
ahh..that's a Leprechaun.:biggrin:

"They're always after me Lucky Charms!"

On topic... I'm not about the laws regarding this topic, but in '94 after an US Airways plane-crash near Pittsburgh there were some nearby civilians w/ disposable cameras. Police confiscated anything they could get their hands on.
bodypainter said:
"If I see that picture on the internet, I'm coming after you." That's what the state trooper told me this past Sunday morning.

Don't worry... by posting this on Prime, your secret is safe now. ;)

bodypainter said:
The cynic in me thinks the driver might have connections that kept him/her out of the news and out of jail and if that's true, I might be better off not knowing.

You are correct.... some quick photoshop "enhancements" revealed who was in the car at the time of the crash. Police wish to speak to the 2 foot, 1 foot and the 6" man about the accident. :p

<IMG SRC="http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=25249&stc=1&d=1142553654">


  • Car-went-through-house-wall-spoof.jpg
    57.4 KB · Views: 437
NeoNSX said:
<snip> You are correct.... some quick photoshop "enhancements" revealed who was in the car at the time of the crash. Police wish to speak to the 2 foot, 1 foot and the 6" man about the accident. :p<snip>
in fact, i believe one of them may also have been involved in the jfk shooting... in that incident, he was known as "badgeman"; in this situation, we may well refer to him as "bushman".

how do we get coverage for this on drudge, the onion or slashdot?
steveny said:
He is also known as "the German"
are you referring to deiter, the crashed enzo pilot? how odd - but **just** like him to show up at this crash scene, too... perhaps an incidental worm hole?

it's all starting to make sense now....
HISTORY QUIZ for the uninspired..............

turning up the heat on ya, jim!!!:biggrin:
the capitol police are really out of their jurisdiction...

she had a hard time negotiating the living room............:eek: :eek:
re: katherine harris home invasion...

(this from The Smoking Gun)
i think we're on it now... (good call on the mailbox)

Katherine Harris's Car Trouble
Cops: Florida man tried to run down controversial Republican

OCTOBER 27--A Florida man has been charged with attempting to run over controversial Republican congresswoman Katherine Harris with his Cadillac. According to the below Sarasota Police Department report, Barry Seltzer, 46, told cops that he was simply exercising his "political expression" when he drove his car at Harris and several supporters, who were campaigning last night at a Sarasota intersection. Seltzer--pictured at right in a booking photo--allegedly drove up on a sidewalk and headed directly for Harris before swerving "at the last minute." Harris told officers that "she was afraid for her life and could not move as the vehicle approached her," according to the report. For his part, Seltzer--who's a registered Democrat--told cops, "I intimidated them with the car. They were standing in the street." He added, "I did not run them down, I scared them a little!" That explanation did not stop investigators from arresting Seltzer for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, a felony. Harris, Florida's former secretary of state, is best known for her role in the aftermath of the state's disastrous 2000 presidential election. (3 pages)
This is a story fo smokinggun.com but do not leave out the enhancements,midgets, whom was in the suv. and then watch it on vh1!:biggrin:
djdrock said:
State troopers in Indiana are famous for their lack of intelligence, and have smaller penis' than county or local cops (or so I have heard). :eek:


I thought all cops were famous for their lack of intelligence.

Till this day I have never had a good thing to say about a cop.