idiot wants to sue over exploding cat food

16 May 2001
"Last night my girlfriend opened a can of fancy feast cat fod made by Purina to feed my cats.. upon opening it the the can violently exploded everywhere across her face.. It was the most foul, putrid, rancid contents ever.. It shot out with a great force all over her face and on the ceiling walls, etc.. I have tons of pictures documenting the whole disgusting thing, My girfriend was throwing up for half an hour afterwards and became violently ill.. We both had to throw out all of the clothes we were wearing and my house smells 100 times worse than a garbage dump.. We couldn't stay here last night becuase of the smell.. Now I have all of my windows up and it still smells like shit.. There are also stains all over my walls from the guck.. It was not normal cat food it was a black sludge and the most foul thing you could imagine..

Anyways I called Purina and they said it was a handling issue in their factories and that they improperly handled the can when it was cooking. Do you think a lawyer would take this case? Should we be compensated by Purina? Its the worst thing I've ever seen in my life.."

complete thread here
Hehe, what a joke. He should get a free year of cat food but nothing beyond that.

Years ago we were playing quarters with Shaeffer. We were averaging two glasses per can. Anyway, half of one can gets drunk and we poor the rest into the glass. What looked like a half decompossed mouse plopped into the glass. Of course the loser of the previous round turned green. But you should have seen the loser of the round with the mouse in it... LOL (j/k no one drank it).

No one jumped up screaming law suit though, which we probably should have done. But who wants a free years worth of Shaeffer anyway?

NSX-Stalker said:
What looked like a half decompossed mouse plopped into the glass. Of course the loser of the previous round turned green. But you should have seen the loser of the round with the mouse in it... LOL (j/k no one drank it).

No one jumped up screaming law suit though, which we probably should have done. But who wants a free years worth of Shaeffer anyway?
Are you sure it was Shaeffer, not Elsinore beer? :)
Yeah. OK, well, uh, we found, uh, this mouse in a bottle of YOUR BEER, eh. Like, we was at a party and, uh, a friend of ours - a COP - had some, and HE PUKED. And he said, uh, come here and get free beer or, uh, he'll press charges.
I ate a ham and cheese chrisanwich from Burger King that had maggots all in the ham!!! Didnt find out until it was about 3/4 finished. I got sick for sure, but I didnt sue, I just dont eat at BK anymore.
What monetary value would you put on your experience?? I dont think being compensated with money is fair, maybe lots of free cat food, but not money. Nobody's perfect, even big companies.

FWIW I think with a good lawyer and a lousy judge, you might get paid. I dont think it would be right, but with todays courts, you would probably have a case.

Have fun cleaning that mess :eek:
I ate a ham and cheese chrisanwich from Burger King that had maggots all in the ham!!! Didnt find out until it was about 3/4 finished. I got sick for sure, but I didnt sue, I just dont eat at BK anymore.
What monetary value would you put on your experience?? I dont think being compensated with money is fair, maybe lots of free cat food, but not money. Nobody's perfect, even big companies.

FWIW I think with a good lawyer and a lousy judge, you might get paid. I dont think it would be right, but with todays courts, you would probably have a case.

Have fun cleaning that mess :eek:

I don't like stupid lawsuits either, however I do think you should be compensated with more then just free cat food. Sue them for $5000 (not millions like some people do). If I was violently ill because of something like cat food would not make me say "well that was worth it. If companies are not held liable for mistakes, then they will become less cautious and more mistakes will happen.
nicholas421 said:
uh..... just want to clarify that I'm not original poster. please click on the link to see the original thread.

Clarification...? I'm guessing your wife read this post. :eek: :wink: :biggrin:
Just think of the homeless people that have no choice but to eat that crap. That should make you feel a little better about it.