took some digital pics last night of my new longbeach pearl blue baby.downloaded them onto my computer in j-peg format and can't figure out how to attach/post them?
Originally posted by Tom Larkins:
hey randall, tell me your not driving your new car in this wonderful weather were having. Talk about withdrawl. For all you sunshine boys the low in KC this morning was -8 with a high today of 0 to 5. The humidity is killing me!!!
Originally posted by Detlef Welsch:
Test [/img ]
A couple of problems to note:
1) Leave a space after "Test" before the [img]tag (actually a whole line space is recommended so the text is not right on top of the picture)
2) No space after the [img]tag before the URL
3) Drop the ".orig.jpg" from the end of the URL - Imagestation does not allow linking to the full-size pic
4) No space bewteen the end of the URL and the tag
Try these changes & you'll be all set - I'll resist the tempation to do it for you so you can practise for yourself(which you should really do in the "prime discussion" forum)
Originally posted by mason@tirerack:
Hey there! I just noticed you are from Lee's Summit. My aunt and uncle are from there, and I just bought a Grand Prix White 2002 Honda S2000 that came from Lee's Summit Honda. Cool!