I wouldn't mind if the next gen NSX looks like this...

Maybe they'll make an SUV version...
no wait..I think I've seen that somewhere before. lol

Looks like a cheesy 1990's reject. Very overstyled.. Like they were trying too hard.
Lol. Then the next Gen NSX would be called a poor man's Gallardo.

With that kind of swept windshield, the cockpit view would be the polar opposite of the NSX's, which IMO is one of it's greatest driver's features.
The Vector was one of my favorites cars at one time... of course, I drove a 1st gen MR-2 and wanted a Esprit :)

The next gen NSX needs to pull from the curvy, sexy side of car design, like the first one.
With the edges rounded-off.. it could look just like a modern day Gallardo :)

I think if the NSX could look as hot or hotter than a Galardo, it would be a good thing.