I want a NSX but...

8 January 2007
Hi, I am new here but I have being reading this forum for a while. I currently drive a 04 S2000 and I am seriously thinking on getting something else.
The NSX is one of the most amazing cars out there, but the fact that I can only afford a 97 or down makes me think. This car is almost 10years old! Should I be afraid to drive it hard?
Also a Porsche 996 is almost the same amount and, it may out perform the NSX everywhere (maybe not handling, and looks and style and exclusivity) I know that the NSX is not a very powerful car and it was never meant to be a dragster, but sometimes power feels good, I have never driven a NSX, I was a passenger on one (the one that I may buy) and I was not really impress with the acceleration.
The S2000 is not very powerful either but when you drive it on some back roads on summer and the top down, you understand that you don’t need anything else. I guess that is the same with the NSX, but better… ?
I know that some people here went from a S2000 to a NSX, any regrets? Any daily drivers NSX?
Sorry about the long post.
Thanks in advance!:biggrin:
A common misconception is that the NSX is not fast.

A 1997 NSX 1/4 mile is quoted by motortrend at 12.9 seconds.
I believe a Porsche 996 is around a 13.5???

As far as it being a daily driver, I put 300+ miles a week on mine.
You do need money in reserve to fix things, but thats to be expected with a 10 year old car.
The only thing that broke on me this past year was the thermostat which isn't a big deal at all.
Should I be afraid to drive it hard?

Also a Porsche 996 is almost the same amount and, it may out perform the NSX everywhere (maybe not handling, and looks and style and exclusivity)
The Porsche 996 doesn't out-perform the NSX. They are very similar in performance, across the board.

I know that the NSX is not a very powerful car and it was never meant to be a dragster, but sometimes power feels good, I have never driven a NSX, I was a passenger on one (the one that I may buy) and I was not really impress with the acceleration.
Don't make claims for a car you've never driven. As you know from the S2000, the VTEC cars must be accelerated all the way up to redline for maximum acceleration. Few drivers do that.

Try driving one. You will learn a lot, and lose your misconceptions.

Any daily drivers NSX?
Yes, quite a few. Do a search on the forums for topics with the word "daily" in the title. The forums are searchable and, between searches on the forums and the information in the FAQ, you can find a lot of good information.

And don't rule out an early NSX. Not without driving one, anyway...
I daily drive my NSX and I had an S2000 prior.

Whether or not you will be happy really depends what you're looking for.

If you're looking for something more fun, Id suggest you keep your S2000. Not that NSXs are not fun, they are, but the S2000 is wicked fun! Not much will compare to a car that will give you zero hassels, drive around topless and rev to 9 grand. NSX is close, but you'll be less likely to park it without worry, which makes it a bit less fun. Pulling the targa off is also a hassel compared to the S2000s top.

If you're looking for a performance car that could be considered exotic, but one that will serve you well reliability wise with excellent build quality, there's no other choice than an NSX in my mind.

The biggest slag against the NSX Ive ever heard was that its missing the quirks (read poor reliability) that makes owning an Fcar or other exotic, exotic.

It doesnt have tremendous HP, but it does pretty well with what its got and it is misleadingly low given the gearing of the car.

I dont believe that a 996 will outperform an NSX either.
I bought a 97 last November and cannot think of a better car to buy and drive often for the same money. Not exactly a daily driver but close. I don't drive it when rain is forecast, mostly because I don't want to wash it constantly and I don't want someone sliding into me.

The car is fast (enough) and on and on (NSX superlatives continue).....

I always liked the S2000 but I don't like convertibles. The T-top is fine for the occasional top-off day.
Thanks for the replies!

Sorry, if I hurt somebody's feelings!
I was not trying to argue, I love the NSX and I want one, I am just trying to justify its price…:wink:
Thanks for the replies!

Sorry, if I hurt somebody's feelings!
I was not trying to argue, I love the NSX and I want one, I am just trying to justify its price…:wink:

You may want to look into a corvette C5Z06, that's probably more of the car for you.
I too went from an AP1 S2000 to an NSX. I was lucky enought to have both in my possesion for 2 years 'till I sold it to my bro. They are 2 totally different cars. The S was just a joy to drive. It was a totally different car with the top down. The 6spd tranny is the best in the business. I don't have anything bad to say about the S. Even the oversteer that can bite you in the a$$ if your not prepared is fun. I must say I miss it.

The NSX on the other hand is just pure exotic beauty. Timeless styling. I get crazy attention everywhere I go. Too much attention at times. The engine is just a jewel. Not super powerful but it gets the job done. Handling is awesome. My only wish is that it shifted like my old S.

Tough choice my friend. If I had to do it all over again, the result would be the same: NSX > S2000

Good luck :smile:
I too went from an AP1 S2000 to an NSX. I was lucky enought to have both in my possesion for 2 years 'till I sold it to my bro. They are 2 totally different cars. The S was just a joy to drive. It was a totally different car with the top down. The 6spd tranny is the best in the business. I don't have anything bad to say about the S. Even the oversteer that can bite you in the a$$ if your not prepared is fun. I must say I miss it.

The NSX on the other hand is just pure exotic beauty. Timeless styling. I get crazy attention everywhere I go. Too much attention at times. The engine is just a jewel. Not super powerful but it gets the job done. Handling is awesome. My only wish is that it shifted like my old S.

Tough choice my friend. If I had to do it all over again, the result would be the same: NSX > S2000

Good luck :smile:

I agree. I have both cars. The S2000 is a nice car, but the NSX is a special car. If raw power and straight line performance is all that you care about, the NSX is the wrong car for you.
I agree. I have both cars. The S2000 is a nice car, but the NSX is a special car. If raw power and straight line performance is all that you care about, the NSX is the wrong car for you.

Agreed. I dont daily drive the NSX or the S2000 but I think if you live in a warm weather climate you could. I think the NSX has the same performance as a 996. I had an 01 996 cab and thought that is was a pretty even comparison. Performance was neck and neck (when my NSX was stock) although in lower rpm range the 911 was much quicker. I like the look of the NSX much better. I always say the NSX is like a Japanese Ferrari. Picture the maintance of a Civic with the looks of a Lamborghini. I like the fact I never drive mine becuase when I actually do, it makes the experience that much more special.

The S2000 is a fun car to drive, the VTEC kicks in like a turbo and handles as well as almost anything Ive ever had or driven. The weather was nice on saturday and had the pleasure of driving with the top down and I feel in love all over again. Seats are top notch, 6 speed is like a hot knife through butter and looks sexy as hell. It a shame my S2000 is so much faster than my NSX but reliability wasn't a concern with the S2000 and I dont plan on keeping it forever.
You almost have to drive it hard. I think it gets in your mind and makes you put your foot into it. It's like the s2000 in that respect. I've never wanted to redline a car more than the nsx. My parents used to have an s2000 that I was lucky enough to drive very very frequently, I had to daily drive it for 2 weeks straight once. My nsx is a daily driver as well. I would much much much rather drive the nsx daily than the s2k It's considerably more comfortable/finished in my opinion. Then again it was about 3x more expensive when new. Driving the s2k didn't really feel like the nsx at all to me as far as the experience went. The s2k was just about flat on it's face until 6k. The nsx doesn't feel like that to me. The s2000 also felt more like a normal car with stiff suspension. The nsx feels ultra exotic a little softer but very very stable. The power band doesn't feel like it wants to stop either. It pulls hard even at 120mph+. That was one drawback of the s2000 I thought. I've driven a lot of cars, some even 500hp, and I'm more than happy with my purchase of the nsx. My only beef is the brakes. I suppose they work well but it doesn't feel like there's much brake assist so you really have to lay into them to get results. My last car had 6 piston 14" brembos though so I'm sure I will need to readjust to the realm of normal brakes again. To simplify it, I wanted an nsx since 1990 and passed it up twice for other more powerful cars. This time I said screw it and got the nsx anyway as opposed to a viper/z06 etc. I don't regret the decision one second to go with the nsx. It's that good.
I drove a used 2002 S2000 with 40K on the clock, and it felt SIGNIFICANTLY slower in a straighline than my 05 NSX. It really doesn't matter how fast the NSX really is, it FEELS fast when you are behind the wheel. Thats what matters.
The NSX will have more straight line power then the S2000, but on a track or a curvy road, they will be about the same.

On very narrow tracks, such as autocrossing, the S2000 will be much quicker.

The NSX is a bigger car. Longer, wider and heavier.

But it looks SO much better!

I think it will be fairly reliable (even a '97), but it is way more exotic than an S2000.

If you want one ... go ahead and get it.

You could sell it in a year or two for just about what you paid for it, provided you take care of it.
Read your post and thought that i should give my two cents...lol...any way... My NSX is a daily driver...and I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada!!! As the others have said...you need to drive it to believe it...get it to redline and then it really shines!!! Don't worry about the mileage...just worry if some snot-nosed rich kid owned it and drove it like a whore...lol...other than that...buy one for God's sake!!!

I am out...God's speed everyone

You may want to look into a corvette C5Z06, that's probably more of the car for you.

Hahahaha, no thanks I don't really want a Corvette.
I know that I should go and drive a NSX but in my area they are very, very rare, I can not walk into carmax and just drive one :rolleyes:

Thanks for all your help guys!
Hahahaha, no thanks I don't really want a Corvette.
I know that I should go and drive a NSX but in my area they are very, very rare, I can not walk into carmax and just drive one :rolleyes:

Thanks for all your help guys!

There are regional forums on this site that can help introduce you to local enthusiasts.

This site also has the best NSX marketplace in the world, to my knowledge.

Read the FAQ section.

It will answer most of the questions you could ever conceive of and if you don't read it first you may get some unkind responses. A lot of work went into the FAQ and it should be your first stop before you post a thread on a subject. Your second stop should be the Search function.
Wait till you can afford to keep both. I'm on my third S2000 as I sold my second S2000 awhile after I bought my NSX. I was miserable w/o it and even my NSX which I love couldn't take the place of it. Both cars are fun in different ways. The removable roof panel doesn't take the place of the S2K drop top. The NSX has more torque and you'll definitely notice the power difference between the two. Plenty of guys here have NSX's older than 97 ( majority of the board actually ) and track them HARD! so don't worry it won't need to be babied. Honda made these cars to be reliable and durable so buy and enjoy:biggrin:
The 996 might accelerate about the same as the NSX, but it is definitely a very different car. The 996 handles well, but the NSX definitely seemed to handle better to me. I drove a 996 and NSX back to back on several occasions.

I wouldn't worry too much about the age. Just look for a good example. I daily drove my 94 for 25k miles, now I have a pickup truck for that duty. The only problem I had was with a slave cyl. on the clutch. Everything else was basic maintenance (I also put new shocks on, the originals were worn out).