I think my NSX caused an accident

27 October 2006
Yesterday I was stuck in rush hour traffic in the NSX. It was bumper to bumper stop and go for a couple miles. I was in the fast lane just minding my own business and I noticed the guy in front of me driving a Lexus LS was checking out the X in his side mirror.........no big deal since it was stop and go traffic and everyone was checking out the car. Then I see the Lexus start to go and BAM.......he smashes into a very nicely modded 350Z pushing the Z into the car in front of him and that car hit a BMW in front of him. I was just sitting there thinking DAM.....what the hell was that guy doing?? Then I remembered that he was checking out the X and I figured he must not have been paying attention to the car in front of him and hit it.

They all pulled over and as I drove by I could see that the 350Z got it the worst with his whole rear end pushed in and his hood all smashed up.

I always read stories on here of people speeding up to look at the NSX or taking pictures while driving....etc. so I was wondering if anyone ever witnessed an accident caused by someone looking at their NSX instead of the road.
I've had some close calls looking at girls walking down the sidewalk.:redface:

You mean like this?

It happens more often that you might imagine. When I drive the Nsx I see people stomping their brakes next to me, I think they get caught of gaurd then they start looking for a prancing horse on the hood.:tongue:
Not in the nsx, but:

I was passenger in a 911, and we were pulled over. While the officer was calling it in (driver accidentally left his license at home), someone traveling in the opposite direction was staring at us, not noticing the red light and truck stopped in front of her. Fortunately she was going slow, but still managed to lift the bed of the pickup onto her hood and cause an accident.

Officer told us to move along as he proceed to go deal with a bigger mess.

Was this the accident?






That was my Z car.

Here it is before the crash:


That's before I added the '06 wheels to her.

I saw a guy in a 335 that did not even have license plates yet crash his a week or so ago. We were on highway 85 in stop and go traffic. He would wait for the car in front of him to get ahead quite a ways, and would then gun it to impress me or the pretty girl in the car in front of me. He rear ended the 1 ton truck in front of him. The 2 vehicles were stuck together like dogs.

Yep that was the accident. Sorry to see that happen to your Z. What did the Lexus driver say? Did you happen to see the red NSX go by ya?
Oh man! Did you get the story out of the Lexas driver that hit you?

No, he said he simply looked away for a moment. I saw him coming fast. He must have been staring in that mirror. We all assumed (5-8) maybe incorrectly that he was on a phone with a client. He didn't even want to stay for the cops. He just wanted to give his information and fly. We were still trying to see if anyone was hurt. My buddy was hurt and he still wanted to split. He said I have an appointment. I told him "Buddy .... I had a appoint @ 7pm I'm not going to make now because of you. The CHP told us they would be here in a minute and to hold on. CHP had called me back for directions-mile marker. My buddy had called them while I kept the guy busy because he was looking to bolt. My car wasn't driveable and it took two tows. One CHP and one AAA tow.

So far, the parts only list is at 12K, the labor another 6K. That's not including the aftermarket parts that were distroyed. I don't want to get into that list. But, I have all the receipts. IMO probably a total. We'll see. The Body shop calls me every 15mins. Where did you get this / that / of the other. Most I have to tell them .... Well I custom built that myself from X. So, I'm not sure how they will reimburse for that. We are talking 100's of hours of work on certain things that are distroyed on the front end and rear end. I even have custom under panels for better air flow and access .... all distroyed.

I love NSX's by the way. Here's one from HMB I saw. Anyone's here?


What I really would like to have is one of these though. In my dreams:


Hence, the yellow calipers on my car. I get a lot of carp from Z owners on my bra and yellow caliper. Do I care? Not a bit. I love it.

No, he said he simply looked away for a moment. I saw him coming fast. He must have been staring in that mirror. We all assumed (5-8) maybe incorrectly that he was on a phone with a client. He didn't even want to stay for the cops.

Man that sucks. How weird :confused: . How do you slam on the gas--while not looking--in stop and go traffic. It all makes no sense!

When I am out driving in my NSX things happen all the time. If I catch somebody out there they always start to swirl (spelling?) from side to side.

It is obvious that they are looking in the mirror thinking "what the heck is that?"

I am glad that I have not caused an accident by just beeing there. It also will never stop to amaze me why probably young guys in "crappy" cars feel the need to go blistering past me when I am out driving. What do they have the need to prove?

I have been driving the same route the last two days and I have been going at a ok speed. Probably at about 20km/h above the speed limit. Then a car came from behind and went blistering past me.

I admit that it did not go unoticed. Not a smart thing to do. But the first one came past me and he was probably doing 160 km/h. I downshifted and smoked him. Never saw him since. The second guy I saw in the mirror and I downshifted and he did not have the horsepower to finish the passing. He was also smoked.

It was not a smart thing to do and I admit going to there level by doing what I did. But I guess I am just a kid too, just with a nicer car :rolleyes:

I have had an similar experience with my NSX. An old Ford with two young guys in front of me, spotted my car behind them. Their car moving from side to side and they both were paying more attention to me than to the road ahead. A Saab stopped in a crossing waiting for an opening to take to the left and leave our road. The Ford suddenly made a nosedive, but hit the Saab so hard that the radiator was hooked on the Saabs towing-hitch.
Fortunately noone was hurt, and I believe the damages to the Saab was restricted to the towing hitch. The Ford with the youngsters was totalled.

I have also had a couple of "close calls" from behind when stopping for traffic or lights. It is a scary feeling when even at low speed, you hear the sound of screaming tires behind you. Kind of just waiting for the impact...
Just pay attention to driving instead of things you have no business getting distracted over. He should LOSE his license. That is incompetence as far as I'm concerned. :mad:
Yep that was the accident. Sorry to see that happen to your Z. What did the Lexus driver say? Did you happen to see the red NSX go by ya?

He said he looked away for a second. Then he wanted to bolt after giving his information. My buddy was injuried (bloody), I was but it hadn't stiffened up yet and we weren't sure of the 81 year old in the back of the Chevy. Yes, no one is seriously hurt I think at this point. However, I will have 8-12 weeks of Chiropractic it looks like. 2-3 verts out. That's serious enough for me.

I love NSX's but, I try not to gawk while I'm driving at any hot car. I was thinking of selling my Z for a NSX before. But, I decided to get a JEEP to tow behind my motorhome instead. Or, at least that was the choice my wife gave me. :frown:
Parts and Labor to fix the car is $18-20K?? Insurance is probably going to need to get you a new car. That's more than 50% of the value of the car.

I hope so. Right now they are saying it has to exceed the total value of the car. I haven't heard that before. My buddy total his 944S and Allstate sent him a check for the full replacement value within 2-3 weeks. And his car was had a lot less damage then mine. That was a while ago though. :biggrin:
Let's hope I'm so lucky.
I've had some close calls looking at girls walking down the sidewalk.:redface:

ahahahha :biggrin: i have expereinced the same thing exp she was in a truck and i did "bump" into the car in front. this was when i was much younger. :tongue:
Wow, looking at the photo, that lexus is one WELL BUILT car. Looks like nothing happened to it.
Wow, looking at the photo, that lexus is one WELL BUILT car. Looks like nothing happened to it.

Two things.

No sign of energy absorption in a car generally means the passengers did the absorbing--BAD.

The lexas has the energy and went into a big squishy back bumper, much different from the lexas small harder front bumper. Plus the Z had it's brakes on I'm assuming so it doesn't surprise me the squish is int he Z and not the lexas. Man was that some force though to bump into other cars etc.! "Just looked away" my ass!
Update - So the Z was a total out. Didn't have enough to buy a new Z and used ones were horrible compared to my car.... So, I bought a new Civic Si and have 12K miles on that now. It may not be as fast. But, it is just about as much fun. It left me with a couple of extra grand ... so that will pay for some gas.

All in all my back still is stiff many days ... but, life goes on.

No one wins in an auto accident.

I focus on the future .. That's all you can do.

Love to get a NSX someday.

Thanks for your responses.
