I think I just need to drive one.

25 February 2012
Dear all,

Everything I read and hear and know about the NSX makes me want one very badly. However, given the rarity of these cars (especially the ones that are still in pristine condition and not modded to look like they came out of a Japanese comic book), the "hunt" is obviously a big time and $$ commitment. So, before, you go hunting, you better be darn sure that you actually want an NSX.

This seems obvious, of course, but my question to you guys is... how do you know? Is there ever an opportunity for a member of the uninitiated to drive one and just see what it's like? Again, because of the rarity of these cars I don't imagine anyone will just let some yahoo off a message board behind the wheel of their baby. I wouldn't either.

Is there any place you can rent one for a day or two? Or some other way to try it?
I found a relatively low priced early model at a dealership relatively close and told them I was interested in the car and wanted to drive it. When I arrived they had no problem handing me the keys and letting me take it for a quick trip with a salesman.

Whille there are notable differences between the years, I believe the core driving experience that was built in to the car in 1991 has remained with all models, so even if you want a pristine 2005, driving an early model should still get you a feel for the experience.

Obviously showing up looking like a serious customer helps. Leave the jeans and t-shirt at home, and put on a button down shirt and nice pants. Likewise dont try to ham it up and look like a millionaire either, you are looking to test drive a roughly $30k or less car, just be reasonable
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How do you know? I knew the second I laid eyes on one in Road and Track in 1991 when I was 23 that I would own an NSX.

Dear all,

Everything I read and hear and know about the NSX makes me want one very badly. However, given the rarity of these cars (especially the ones that are still in pristine condition and not modded to look like they came out of a Japanese comic book), the "hunt" is obviously a big time and $$ commitment. So, before, you go hunting, you better be darn sure that you actually want an NSX.

This seems obvious, of course, but my question to you guys is... how do you know? Is there ever an opportunity for a member of the uninitiated to drive one and just see what it's like? Again, because of the rarity of these cars I don't imagine anyone will just let some yahoo off a message board behind the wheel of their baby. I wouldn't either.

Is there any place you can rent one for a day or two? Or some other way to try it?
let people know where you are.someone will be glad to show you their car,and possibly let you drive it if you seem like you know what you're doing.and i agree with the previous poster,i knew the second they came out.took 17 years to get one!
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I was 20 when the NSX came out in 1991. I knew that I had to get one. I had an 87 acura legend and when I saw the NSX on the showroom in 1991 - I said to myself I will have one of those one day :) The nsx isn't the fastest thing on the road these days but it just looks so good.
Dear all,

Everything I read and hear and know about the NSX makes me want one very badly. However, given the rarity of these cars (especially the ones that are still in pristine condition and not modded to look like they came out of a Japanese comic book), the "hunt" is obviously a big time and $$ commitment. So, before, you go hunting, you better be darn sure that you actually want an NSX.

This seems obvious, of course, but my question to you guys is... how do you know? Is there ever an opportunity for a member of the uninitiated to drive one and just see what it's like? Again, because of the rarity of these cars I don't imagine anyone will just let some yahoo off a message board behind the wheel of their baby. I wouldn't either.

Is there any place you can rent one for a day or two? Or some other way to try it?

If your near Houston come drive mine. It's a pleasure to see people's face when u drive them (7,000 rpms) and then afterwards I let them drive it around the block.
I don't think you will find a car that drives and handles better and undoubtly you won't find one that looks better. GO NSX!
Bengl, my view is to go look at one, touch, feel, drive and then have a "come to grips with yourself moment" and ask is this a must have car that I can enjoy for however long. If the answer is yes, then decide on year and color. Go to a local NSX meet, some may let you drive theirs, most will probably give you a ride. Check out a car for sale and test drive. Then hunt one down. Most say on this site to get the best example within your price range. Best of luck. siD
Thanks all for your advice. I think going to a local meet up is a great idea - I will meet some primers in person (you all seem really coo!) see if I can bum a ride...

I am 22 and out of school in one more year, but I have already started saving for my NSX. I'm not terribly picky, I just know that I want manual transmission, pop-up headlights, any color *other* than red or yellow (no offense fans! Just not my cup of tea), and preferably under 100k miles. I am trying to save up $35k to make that a reality.

One thought I did have - I will probably be in the used NSX market for real right around when the new one comes out, assuming it doesn't get delayed (2015). What do you guys think its existence will do to the prices of the current ones? I can see it going either way - rich people who would otherwise blow $70k on a low-miles 2005 will just buy the new one, alleviating some demand pressure at the top of the market... or increased brand awareness from the new one will cause a surge in aspirational purchasing of early-90s examples by poor college kids like me :smile: Maybe both?
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Bengl, your question is a loaded one and you'll get feedback all over the board. I went to my crystal ball to get an answer. My crystal ball said:

Read Wiki and use the search function to learn everything you can about the car and feedback from primers.
-Be picky, methodical in your search.
-Take emotions out the equation and be prepared to pass on many cars before you find the right one.
-When you find it jump fast before you are beaten to the punch (as me how I know).

As for NSX prices when the new car arrives. Crystal ball says:

-Low/ultra low miles will command the highest price.
-Original unmolested cars will command the highest price.
-Rare color and low volume years will command the highest price.
-Honda will continue to market its brand using the NSX as its halo car.
-Interest will gradually rise to where there will be a lot of dreamers for the new car but will get introduced to the original model if not already aware.
-Interest likely to far exceed the supply of cars for sale of the original car.

-Supply and demand curve will go way out of whack. Prices will likely skyrocket, particularly on the best original cars.
-Purchase now could be a good 5 year investment.

I sometimes listen to my crystal ball, but not always. Crystal ball now wearing Flame Suit........siD
-Original unmolested cars will command the highest price.
-Rare color and low volume years will command the highest price.
-Honda will continue to market its brand using the NSX as its halo car.
-Interest will gradually rise to where there will be a lot of dreamers for the new car but will get introduced to the original model if not already aware.
-Interest likely to far exceed the supply of cars for sale of the original car.

-Supply and demand curve will go way out of whack. Prices will likely skyrocket, particularly on the best original cars.
-Purchase now could be a good 5 year investment.

Thank you for the clairvoyance, Sid.

I wonder how long before the new model is actually available in volume will Honda turn the marketing machine up to 11? I guess I'll need to get in under the wire, before they create all that new demand...
Too late.... I went and did it.

And now it's worse.

Much worse.

Who let you drive one lol.....jk. It does make it worse. I had a 350z and drove one then bought it and was in debt up my ..... yeah. Crashed that got a s/c on new car, love it......sold s/c now have a turbo and keep up with Ferrari's .......never going back :)
For me it was an eventuality. I fell in LOVE with the Integra in 94. The very first one I ever saw was parked inside of a mall. At the time, I was jobless and didn't even have my drivers license! I bought my first Integra in 98 it was a black GS model in an automatic haha. That car was like a best friend to me! It wasn't long after I got a call to go test drive a GSR. It was around that time I was flipping channels and I saw the Realtime cars on Speedvision. I bought an ITR in 2000. Business turned sour in 02 and I was forced to say bye to my ITR. I actually cried over it. In 2003 I got a shell 94 RS and built it from scratch and turbocharged it. It won a bunch of local shows and then I sold that car in 06. In 09 I bought another ITR and in 2011 an NSX.

The NSX was VASTLY different than how I imagined it!
I remember there was this guy I believe in one of the California forums said that he wanted to rent a NSX for his prom date.

About 4-5 years ago, I picked up a playstation 2. My brother picked up gt4 because he was slowly becoming a big car enthusiast and this was probably the time I was coming out of the womb to becoming one. My friends came over and we started to drool over random cars. He said "we should race." and he picked his favorite car at the time which was the R34 GTR. He was telling me all this info about the GTR and I asked him what was a competitor for the GTR. He replied "well the NSX at the time was a competitor. It really has low power but the GTR has more hp and awd so it is way better" so I picked it. Every race I whooped his butt in each race with the 3.2L NSX and after a few frustrating loses my friend fell in love with it too. :P
I remember there was this guy I believe in one of the California forums said that he wanted to rent a NSX for his prom date.

Heh. Back when I went to prom I was obsessed with the Laguna Seca blue M3... tried to rent one but no luck (turns out most exotic rental places want you to be 30 or older!)
Good luck on your saving and your search.

I was in your shoes some 5 years ago. Graduated with a top notch degree from a top notch school...started saving and saving, working on everything I could, advancing my career...just remember that life sometimes gets in the way, sometimes for the better.

So I've postponed my NSX plans for a few years, but I know when the time comes, I will be better prepared for ownership, older, and wiser.

Now go to a meet, take a ride in one, drive one if you can, and you'll be well on your way to ownership. All it took was a ride in one for me to seal the deal...

Heh. Back when I went to prom I was obsessed with the Laguna Seca blue M3... tried to rent one but no luck (turns out most exotic rental places want you to be 30 or older!)
I was all set to buy an italian car, until I drove the NSX it is one of the best driving sports cars ever made in my opinion. Driving it will seal the deal!
im actually not completely in love with how the NSX looks, but i do love how it drives. certainly one of the best drivers cars period. (manual steering... coupe... with ABS and Traction Control deleted)