I Sure Do Love the Weather in SoCal!!

9 February 2000
San Diego!!!!
So, it's Friday A.M., and I check outside my window and look at how the day is. Weather.com expects it to be about 80 degrees here in San Diego. Click on the pic to check out what I can see from my balcony:

The pic was taken this morning looking west out toward the ocean, which is about 10-15 miles away. You can see the ocean horizon line just beyond the landscape.

I don't really know how it is in other parts of the States, but I think it's another T-shirt and shorts day!!

1995 NSX-T
1999 3.2TL
2001 Odyssey
1992 SC400
2003 Chevy Suburban LT

[This message has been edited by FuryNSX (edited 31 January 2003).]
FuryNSX: This is cruel and unusual punishment!

I've been to SD a few times for a brief visit. Are there some nice winding roads to exercise the X there?
Lucky You,

Ive never been to SD only to L.A afew times. Must pay a visit soon.

BTW it's -12 C here should start snowing in a few hours and I can't find my gloves and scarf. Not that you'd know what these items are used for anyways.

Have a fun day in the sun.
Since Randy sparked off this thread of cruel and unusual punishment.. its mid 80's today in Burbank, CA.

You bet there are some great roads in and around of San Diego!

You couldn't drive them all 12 hours a day everyday for a month.. and thats just in SoCal.

Los Angeles developed because of and around the automobile and its climate more then anything else.


78 degrees right now in Phoenix

According to weather.com, "today's golf index = 10 (excellent)"
(Not that I play golf, but you get the idea)

Only thing we don't have is the ocean, so Fury--get that guest bedroom ready, I'm packing my suitcase and coming for a visit!
You guys in cali are sooooo lucky. Us here in the northeast are suffering through a pretty cold winter as compared to previous ones.(Just figures that the year I finally buy an Nsx, it is colder than normal)
But it is getting better, as we have seen an increase of 20 degrees as of late from lows of 13 to 33. Makes me wanna pop the T-top off. I wanna move back to cali.
Only 50 so days until spring.
Originally posted by POWERED by HONDA:
Folks.. Randy is lying! San Diego sucks! I hate this place. It's overrated! Don't come here! It's not worth it!

Uhh, yeah, Conrad is right. I just Photoshopped that pic. The sky is really gray and full of smog and stuff. You can't breath around here. And we're having massive earthquakes at the moment!!! Don't any of you move here. It's not good!!! (But feel free to spend your tourist dollars though.

1995 NSX-T
1999 3.2TL
2001 Odyssey
1992 SC400
2003 Chevy Suburban LT
Originally posted by FuryNSX:
The sky is really gray and full of smog and stuff. You can't breath around here. And we're having massive earthquakes at the moment!!! Don't any of you move here. It's not good!!!

Awww shucks, and I was just going to the bank to get financing for the $3 mil I had planned to offer you for your house w/the view. Guess I'll save my money then.
Randy, I don't know how I missed this post. The view from your place is amazing!

Damn it was hot here today. Hit 90 around 4pm! Hard to believe I was at Mammoth snowboarding last weekend...and will be doing so again next weekend!

Funny, I was just talking with a coworker about how we missed a perfect opportunity to drive our open-top cars (my NSX-T and his S2000) up Old Topanga Canyon during our lunch break. I would have mounted the vid camera to provide a truly moving temptation for you cold climate NSXers. Oh well...there's always next week!

'00 Acura NSX-T (red/black), '97 Honda Civic HX (black), '01 Lexus IS300 (black/black)
"Reality is better than the dream..."


[This message has been edited by akira3d (edited 31 January 2003).]
Very funny.....

So I wake-up this morning and look out the back of my house to the half frozen lake below. The sun is peeling above the eastern sky as the trees are naked. The ducks are moving about on the water getting some rest before heading further south. The cat is at the back patio mad as hell because he's found no wildlife to kill because they are under ground and he refuses to crap outside because he can't bury his turds due to the frozen ground. Leave for work, my nsx is covered and my daily driver is dirty from all the snow crap on the streets. Get home and just hangin out this evening, relaxed and jump on the web to see whats going on and find that some smuck from SD is posting pixs of his back yard. Many thanks, but I must be excused as I have to find my cat....he needs a tail pulling.


Winter Sucks
It has been a dry winter over here....sorry everyone, just zaioned the car last night, covered it till sat. morning, because it' sgoing to be a NICE day to go cruising...where I dont know..but that doesnt matter right now =)
I was reading this thread kind of laughing when I had to stop long enough to walk outside & light the BBQ at 7:25PM here in San Clemente. It is currently 70 degrees.

Why may you ask are we so late in lighting the BBQ? Well we were kinda busy with a Motorcycle ride down the coast (in shirt sleeves)this afternoon getting home just in time to watch one of the best sunsets of the year. Check this out:
By the way, that's Catalina Island... edited by Paul65K (edited 31 January 2003).]