I Smell A Ebay Scam

4 December 2005
Aptos Ca.

My first clue was that the pics posted do not look like anywhere in Berkely Ca that I have seen. I then emailed him telling him I was local and wanted to come and inspect the car, also asked him for his phone # This is what I got for a reply.

is located in Berkeley CA, excellent running and body condition, no flaws on it or any other mechanical problems. It has a clear title and it will be signed and notorized on your name as soon as the payment will be completed.
Regarding payment I am aware of the buyer's protection and we will use eBay's motors vehicle purchase protection program which will hold the payment until you receive the car. If you are interested you will be asked to make a deposit of $2,900; the buy it now price is $22,900.
By sending your deposit to eBay you are not buying the car, is just the way the program works (and in case you buy the car it will give you a 1 month/1000 miles guarantee). However, it is 100% refundable if the car is not as described.
If you are interested please provide me the following informations necessary to take a decision :
-your full name and address for shipping
-your phone #
-any negative feedback and if so .... for what reason.
If I receive the requested information you will be informed by eBay during the next hours with details about your purchase.
The car will be inspected and evaluated by eBay's team so there is no need to ask me about it's condition as long it will be a guaranteed purchase by eBay.

Thank you,
Jim Phillips
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Hmmmmm, I just sold my fdrx7 on ebay and it was never inspected by "ebays team" ohhhh yes please ship me the car 45 miles to my home................SCAM.