I replaced my seats this weekend

23 March 2005
For those of you that purchased the leatherseats.com seats during their promotional sale on here a few weeks ago, I installed mine this weekend. They are not 100%, but I must say that I am more than a little impressed with how they came out (given I've never worked with leather or seats before in my life). Secondly, the FAQ on seat removal was ok, and did help in a few situations, but by-and-large it's a remember how it was put on when you took it off exercise. I'll post pictures later, and a few notes that I learned the hard way later. Just keep in mind that you will lose quite a bit of skin during this process, and perhaps a fingernail or two.
I've never had any problems removing and replacing my seats in the car when I've worked on it. They're a bit heavier than you would expect and you do have to be careful while removing them through the door opening but otherwise it's a pretty straight forward operation. The only real kicker is to remember the electrical connector to the seat which is located roughly in the middle of it's underside. Four bolts is all that is holding it in the car and they are easily reached.
I look forward to the write-ups and the pics.
I am beginning to venture future into the DIY since my tool collection is growing and I have air tools also.
It wont be the seat removal that he struggled with it will be the leather removal that was a bitch. I replaced my seat cushion with a 2 inch lower cushion for headroom.(BTW this mod has changed my driving experience for the better and I may not ever remove my roof again) The leather removal is very time consuming.
I can't wait for the pictures. No leather seat kit will be 100%. The leatherseats kit was patterned after my seat as I sent the seat to them to make the pattern. Mine was about 98/99% since it was adjusted and patterned on my seat. My other side was also about 98%. Fortunately, the seat I sent them was in really good conditon in terms of seat cushion wear so it should fit pretty good for most owners. If your seat is worn down more than mine it might be a little looser fit. Oh well, what type of pattern did you get? All black, tan, two tone?
