I quit smoking

30 August 2005
I quit smoking cold turkey and today is day 3 and it really, really sucks! :mad:

Someone told me today that the 72hr mark is the worst. At least that's what I thought he said, before I beat the crap out of him. :biggrin:
I smoked for close to 15 years and found the best way to quit was via running. After a few days you will hack out a bunch of disgusting crap and by a month or so you will have so much of your wind back (at least I did) that the thought of smoking makes you sick. Being able to breathe is pretty cool.

Plus it helps curb the unavoidable weight gain.
I too quit after 15 years via cold turkey though. I got tired of getting bronchitis 2 times per year. When I quit, i never got it again (to date). I quit smoking and started snacking lol. I still get cravings even now after 5 years, but they are easy to manage.

Good luck, hang in there!
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I'm on a 5 year plan.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/QDnfNzmV0FM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Hang in there buddy, it gets better.
Food tastes better, you won't smell like an ashtray anymore and your wind will come back.
After a little while you'll wonder why you started and why you took so long to quit.
Excellent news.

On a related note - a good friend of mine, a lifetime smoker, was diagnosed with lung cancer last Christmas.

He passed away 2 weeks ago. :frown:

Hang in there, man and look on the bright side- skyline will probably taste better to you now. :wink:
I smoked for close to 15 years and found the best way to quit was via running. After a few days you will hack out a bunch of disgusting crap and by a month or so you will have so much of your wind back (at least I did) that the thought of smoking makes you sick. Being able to breathe is pretty cool.

Plus it helps curb the unavoidable weight gain.

I can attest to running.

OP: you don't have to do long distance running. if you feel the need for a smoke, just go outside when feasible and sprint for as fast as you can for as long as you can. That should completely curb the craving. It's really the most effective way to stop (short of prescription meds that prevent the chemical from reaching the brain).
I quit smoking cold turkey and today is day 3 and it really, really sucks! :mad:

Someone told me today that the 72hr mark is the worst. At least that's what I thought he said, before I beat the crap out of him. :biggrin:

Hang in there, once you pass 3-4 days you're over the hump. Then it's just a matter of deciding never to light up again.
Hang in there, once you pass 3-4 days you're over the hump. Then it's just a matter of deciding never to light up again.

I never got over the hump (it's been 20 years)... I still get the craving every once in a while (especially in France or Japan where EVERYONE smokes) -- haven't caved though. Now I just feel holier-than-thou over all my friends that are still lighting up. :biggrin: Not having all my clothes smell like an ashtray is nice!
Depending on your habits, keep this in mind.

A pack a cigarettes a day is equivalent to one cup of tar from the ground.

--No more teeth discoloration :biggrin:<< teeth can look like this!:wink:
--Decrease a plethora of health issues :biggrin:
--More money in your wallet :biggrin:
--Food tastes and sense of smell increases:biggrin:

etc etc etc!!!
Excellent news.

On a related note - a good friend of mine, a lifetime smoker, was diagnosed with lung cancer last Christmas.

He passed away 2 weeks ago. :frown:

Hang in there, man and look on the bright side- skyline will probably taste better to you now. :wink:
congrats on this and best success with your efforts!
I quit smoking cold turkey and today is day 3 and it really, really sucks! :mad:

Someone told me today that the 72hr mark is the worst. At least that's what I thought he said, before I beat the crap out of him. :biggrin:

No way! You? What's next, quitting M&M's and Diet Cokes? :biggrin:

Kidding, of course. I wish you every bit of success. I swear that every family in the USA lives have been touched by cancer... I sure know my family has.
However, what he failed to mention is that his boozing when up tenfold. :smile:

Or smoking something else.:tongue:

Good luck Jim and hope you can kick that bad habit for good.:smile:
I quit for the 3rd and last time time 6 years ago.

Running, biking or any other exercising obsession worked for me and got rid of those really tense feelings. I'd come home from work and folks needed to get the hell out of my way so I could get out on my bike.

Yes, the first few days are bad when you are actually having physical cravings and the exercise helps with that. After that time it is a mental thing. I told myself I am just not the type of person who smokes. Over and over. Being of an obsessive nature I did NOT like having little white specs all over my typical black wardrobe. That one may not work as well for you, but . . . figure out what you really don't like about it: the money wasted, the smell, the difficulty of finding a place to smoke in a social situation, whatever it is. Then remember that when you want one. Heck after suffering for X hours - days, you surely don't want to go through that again by having another cigarette and then having to start all over.

Good luck and know you have a LOT of support here on Prime.
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GOOD LUCK!! You aren't quite out of the woods yet.

I educate my patients many benefits of quitting hoping that I strike a cord with one of the reasons.

For eg. A pack a day habit at $7/day will cost the avg. teenager $1.3 Million over 40 years. That usually gets their attention.
Take the money you were spending on smoking and put it in a jar. Do this for a year and try to be consistent. When the year is up take that money a buy something nice for yourself. You'd be surprised how much you'll have.
I had a teacher in high school that told us he had a cigarette boat. It was just a regular cruising boat, but he said he bought it with the money he never spent on cigarettes.
Good news. Your breath didnt stink in May when we were out and it should be even better next time i see you:smile:!! Congrats and good luck!!