I need some advice please

15 November 2006
New Orleans
Well maybe not advice, but some help rather.

Here's my story on how I received free plane tickets and now have this problem. A few years ago if anyone remembers, Wendy's had this promotional with Air-Tran. The deal was that if you bought I think a Med Fries, or a Med drink or something you got this proof of purchase on your cup. If you collected 64 proofs, you mailed them in and got an account with Air-Tran and got a free round way plane ticket to anywhere in the US they fly. I think at the time, 64 proofs came to $120 with the cheapest item you could buy. Well, when my friend told me about this, I was like, for only $120 we could fly to Cali and back for free, and I've never been to the West Coast, only to parts of Europe and Florida. I thought it was a great idea, but when my gears started ticking, I thought of an even better idea. What if me and my buddy go trash hunting for these items instead. That would mean a free trip. I figured half the time people don't even read what promotional things fast food companies have to offer, I mean hell, I don't.

So on Christmas Eve, about a year and a half ago, me and my friend went out after my shift from work and went to a local Wendy's at 3am with some gloves, a huge trash bag and 2 mag flashlights. We parked across the street at the local Pepboys and jumped the garbage wall. We then proceeded to take out trash bags and search for cups. By the nights end, we got about 130 cups. Well, we got our round trips, but he wanted to get a trip for his girlfriend also, so after Christmas and a few days before New Years, we went to 2 other Wendy's and got more cups. In the end, we had enough for 4 round trip flights.

This was awhile ago and we were supposed to use our trips within the year. We didn't, but we renewed our accounts so it's good until I think Jan or Feb coming up. My friends family decided to go out to Arizona to the Grand Canyon which I've never been too and he booked his Air-Tran flight. He's leaving Aug 12th and will be coming back Aug 16th. My problem is that I have to go back to school Aug 10th for mandatory Resident Assistant training "yeah, I'm one of them haha". They make it so we live with our staff for a good few weeks before school starts back for "team bonding" and all this other stuff, and they told us the date a long time ago saying "don't plan anything because we told you this date so much in advance that this time will be dedicated to your training". They also said that unless a VERY valid excuse, then you won't be excused, so I'm guessing I'll be fired if I don't come up with a good excuse. I was a RA this past semester so it's not all new to me, but training will be helpful.

My problem is that my friend is going hiking in the Grand Canyons. We're best friends and have been for a long time so it'll just be good to get away for awhile, especially work and living in North Philadelphia. I need a good excuse though to take off a few days, not even the full 4 days, but just Aug 12th - 15th so we can hike for a day. We plan to take like a 20+ mile trail so we'll see how that works out, I've never been hiking so I know cardio is a must in training.

I was thinking of a death in the family, but I have no proof, and can't forge good enough, I was also thinking that my dad had to go into "emergency surgery" or something also, but I know no doctors to write me a note!

I know this comes across as juvenile, but I know everyone has thought of this once in their lives or has known someone to do this kind of thing.

Any advice or people to contact please let me know, thank you

tmi.... my nephew got 8 roundtrips for his dumpster dive:biggrin:
if you need an excuse for "that dental emergency" i can oblige
life is too short to follow rules.

you'll also need a lot of drugs to fly on "critter", cause the airline
usually has headupbutt. let me know
well...tell the world if it worked....:wink: