I Need A California Lawyer To File Lawsuit In Orange County....asap!!

8 November 2001
I am in URGENT need of a lawyer to handle
a major claim of negligence.Timing is critical.
I prefer someone with some might have personal experience with.
Thanks In Advance
What kind of negligence? I know someone in the OC area that does quite well for himself in personal injury/prop damage.
JChoice said:
What kind of negligence? I know someone in the OC area that does quite well for himself in personal injury/prop damage.

I can't be any more specific here.
mynsx you should write a book/graphic novel on your adventures every month theres something new/weird/beautiful attached to you/car.:confused:

good luck with your search.
ajnsx said:
mynsx you should write a book/graphic novel on your adventures every month theres something new/weird/beautiful attached to you/car.:confused:

good luck with your search.

:D Actually I'd like to write a book on "MY LIFE"
I actually have had enormous trials/and triumphs
the more I think about it the more I want to do it.
I have NO idea where to start or how to do such a
large task.

Knowing the fact that your wife plays a big supporting role in your life, I'm sure she can help you out with your book if you wanna do one :)

Sorry to go off topic, I truly hope you get to find an attorney up to your expectations.