I know its his car, but...

15 February 2003
Fort Lauderdale
Ok, so this guy who lives about 5 houses down from me has the most BEAUTIFUL 98 cobra i've ever seen!! Nice chrome cobra R's, tinted windows, pristine lazer red paint, and a few tasteful body mods.

This car just made me squirt and I had a nice ass mustang (i'll show pics if u want).

Well today im driving by in the X and his garage is open so i take a peak, like usual, and what do i see: A white hideous 00 Cobra R spoiler on the trunk!!!!! I wanted to pull over and ask him "why!"

It's not a ricey v6, its not a highly modded GT either, its a PRISTINE cobra!! Leave it at that!! I wanted to tell him that i thought his car was the most beautiful car in the world up until that spoiler!!

A 98 SN95 body does not look good with the 00 cobra spoiler...made me cry.

Sorry, just felt you all might like to hear that :D
may be he's on crack..

i hate people who ruins a good car.
nsxtasy... i've thought the same thing about many NSX's. Perhaps the guy doesn't fully understand what "bling bling" means and you need to give him a correct definition. ;)
nsxtasy said:
Some people put ugly rear wings on NSXs, too. There's no accounting for taste... some people just don't have any.
MY thoughts exactly, what about some of the wings going on our NSX's nowadays.
nsxtasy said:
Some people put ugly rear wings on NSXs, too. There's no accounting for taste... some people just don't have any.

I too was thinking the very same thought. I have seen the same type of stuff happening to people that own the Integra like I have but mod the crap out of it. I have kept mine totally stock and in excellent condition. Because of that I constantly have people asking to buy it.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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its not tasteless having a wing on the nsx, just not your taste ;)
the new vortex wing on the nsx looks great. :) depends on the style and how its done, as usual thats where the taste comes in. Showing bad examples of wingage is easy, but doesnt justify the case :)