I have awakened

8 September 2003
Forbidden Forest
Let all that wander the path of Prime that I, Troll Patrol, has been summend to watch over the good people who contribute to this forest of knowledge. Let it be known that that no matter where ye troll originates from, wheter it be from a deep fjord of vettdome, or an ice covered peak of supradome, ye shall be exposed for the one eyed, crooked nose little-man they are.

The wrath of the Troll Patrol know no boundires. Bilbo himself granted me great powers to expose and cast spells upon such beasts (and their modern machinery) that lie within our bowles. Let it be known that great distruction shall await those who choose to walk the path of a Troll.
Right-o then. Trolls never stay long, as the immature back and forth bickering (and dubious spelling) that regularly goes on and on at other sites, doesn't oft happen here. NSXPrime is a lovely place indeed ;)

Happy er..non-trolling
Nice tree guy picture by the way.
Hopefully, Mr. Troll will maintain a vigilant watch for posts of zero social redeeming value and will reprimand accordingly. Similarly, Mr. Troll will also dispense probates to those with sarcastic tongues. If "a" is curbed, than so shall be "b". :)
AndyVecsey said:
Hopefully, Mr. Troll will maintain a vigilant watch for posts of zero social redeeming value and will reprimand accordingly. Similarly, Mr. Troll will also dispense probates to those with sarcastic tongues. If "a" is curbed, than so shall be "b". :)
Ah, yes he will. He will also watch over the blood pressure levels of those members he feels are about ready to pop. ;)
I'm thinking maybe the Troll lives in Houston

Even though Mr. Troll refutes this thought, curious, what is basis for this statement?
AndyVecsey said:
I'm thinking maybe the Troll lives in Houston

Even though Mr. Troll refutes this thought, curious, what is basis for this statement?
The fact that you are asking the question for one .....
Interesting that that the Troll has desire to be the keeper of upholding the quality of content - sounds familiar
The Troll is obviously not just some casual interloper - is already "protecting" the FI forum - in itself an unusual place to begin his quest; however a place that certain member from Houston holds dear above all else in this forum;
References to the Wolf & Nazi would suggest intimate pre-existing knowledge of this forum.
AndyVecsey said:
I'm thinking maybe the Troll lives in Houston

Even though Mr. Troll refutes this thought, curious, what is basis for this statement?
His basis is that he knows where he is.
References to the Wolf & Nazi would suggest intimate pre-existing knowledge of this forum.
Troll sees all.
The fact that you are asking the question for one

Well, as much as I would like to be an admin to "police this forum" I assure you Mr. Troll and Saint are not one in the same - that is, if this was your supposition in the first place.

Interesting that that the Troll has desire to be the keeper of upholding the quality of content - sounds familiar

I am genuinely pleased with Mr. Troll's cameo appearance. The PRIME admins are very busy with NSXPO and are not able to monitor activities herein. This is not a slam on the admins, merely statement of fact.

The Troll is obviously not just some casual interloper - is already "protecting" the FI forum - in itself an unusual place to begin his quest.....

Has Mr. Troll been visiting the FI department? I don't think so, but I can be wrong. Although one with deducive observations might conclude that I am Mr. Troll (I would like to be an admin; however, I dare not ask to be one because I would automatically boot off about a dozen fellow members :p) this is a grossly incorrect premise.

.....however a place that certain member from Houston holds dear above all else in this forum

Yes, that would be me. If Mr. Troll introduces himself to me at NSXPO or anywhere else, I will gladly buy him a few mugs-o-suds.

References to the Wolf & Nazi would suggest intimate pre-existing knowledge of this forum.

Agree 100% - however, there is a fatal flaw of that comment infering that I am Mr. Troll. You see, I did not make the correlation to Wolf and Nazi. NeoNSX did. On the other hand, I do not know Wolf and I do not care for Nazi. This is well documented, thus emphasizing that Saint is not Mr. Troll nor is referencing either of those two.
AndyVecsey said:
The Troll is obviously not just some casual interloper - is already "protecting" the FI forum - in itself an unusual place to begin his quest.....

Has Mr. Troll been visiting the FI department? I don't think so, but I can be wrong. Although one with deducive observations might conclude that I am Mr. Troll (I would like to be an admin; however, I dare not ask to be one because I would automatically boot off about a dozen fellow members :p) this is a grossly incorrect premise

References to the Wolf & Nazi would suggest intimate pre-existing knowledge of this forum.

Agree 100% - however, there is a fatal flaw of that comment infering that I am Mr. Troll. You see, I did not make the correlation to Wolf and Nazi. NeoNSX did. On the other hand, I do not know Wolf and I do not care for Nazi. This is well documented, thus emphasizing that Saint is not Mr. Troll nor is referencing either of those two.
AndyVecsey said:
If Mr. Troll introduces himself to me at NSXPO or anywhere else, I will gladly buy him a few mugs-o-suds.
Benefits already! Anyone else? This might prove to be worthwhile after all. ;)
Give Andy a break for God sake. I'm not him. His blood pressure is worked-up the way it is after recent some threads. :D
Sorry if my post immediately above offends Andy - there are actually NO personal words of response at all, merely quotes & links to the anwers.
I wonder how the Troll Patrol views such a post - is it worthless diatribe when no comment is actually made, yet is truly an erudite response?
I think you might be off the hook Andy - when I analyze your responses, you call him Mr Troll - this implies reference that he is a Troll, as opposed to, by his moniker & credo, one who has sworn to uphold the sanctity of our blessed forum, protecting it from Trolls i.e. I think Troll Patrol would offended by the contraction of his name to Troll.
You have to admit (as you already did) certainly a kindred spirit.
Hmm ........ maybe it's me?????
I was wrong earlier... I think this is officially the stupidest thread ever... why do we need someone babysitting us? Are we not grown ups? There are a few people here that just seem to argue on any topic... If they have nothing better to do, so be it..

Am I the only one that thinks this is silly?
I was wrong earlier... I think this is officially the stupidest thread ever.

Careful Dave, you may be "eating your words" when the identity of Mr. Troll is revealed, because if he is whom I think he is, you respect that person very much. And for you to think a post of his is stupid, speaks volumes of your opinions towards that person. Oh, a friendly reminder of what you preach to me.....don't like a thread? Don't go there. :rolleyes:

why do we need someone babysitting us? Are we not grown ups?

Why ask a question and turn around and answer it in the same breath?

Sorry if my post immediately above offends Andy

No offense taken, merely stating that I am not Mr. Troll, although I do like his modus operandi. :D

I think you might be off the hook Andy

Indeed I am, cuz I weren't on it to begin with. :)
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AndyVecsey said:
I was wrong earlier... I think this is officially the stupidest thread ever.

Careful Dave, you may be "eating your words" when the identity of Mr. Troll is revealed, because if he is whom I think he is, you respect that person very much. And for you to think a post of his is stupid, speaks volumes of your opinions towards that person. Oh, a friendly reminder of what you preach to me.....don't like a thread? Don't go there. :rolleyes:

I don't know who this person is. If it is someone I greatly respect, so what? Why do they feel the need to be anonymous? Why not just say.. Hi, I am Dave and I will be moderating these threads to make sure they stay on track"..

I don't think me calling something stupid speaks volumes if I do not even know who it is andy... If it was Ken and I said, geez Ken, you are a freaking moron (I am NOT saying that btw), then perhaps that would say something, but if someone decides to post tomorrow as NSX TROLL KILLER, am I supposed to just all of a sudden respect this person...?? Should I just change my posts and listen to him just because NSX TROLL KILLER has 3 posts vs those of us with 1000+?

I do not recall preaching to you Andy... However, your constant insults to 92NSX pissed me off (and I am not alone there) because he is a nice guy and does not deserve you treating him poorly. Maybe if you took the time to get to know him instead of just insulting him, you might change your mind.

I guess you decided to pick fights with me today... geez... you seemed like a great guy at NSXPO... what's the deal?
I don't know who this person is. If it is someone I greatly respect, so what? Why do they feel the need to be anonymous?

I can’t answer for other people’s motives. Reminds me of the “Exposing NSXPO” thread where folks are wondering who Jake is.

but if someone decides to post tomorrow as NSX TROLL KILLER, am I supposed to just all of a sudden respect this person...?? Should I just listen to him just because NSX TROLL KILLER has 3 posts vs those of us with 1000+?

Hmm, I’m pretty mentally slow as usual, what is your logic here regarding the number of posts? There are many people here with far less than 1000 posts, whom I strongly value their post content quality vs the mega posters at the other end of the spectrum.

I do not recall preaching to you Andy.

You might want to do some searching for posts herein.

However, your constant insults to 92NSX pissed me off

And who granted you permission to get mad at me for something I am saying to somebody other than yourself?

Maybe if you took the time to get to know him instead of just insulting him, you might change your mind.

And maybe if he would take a sec to see where I am coming from, he (and you) would see I am not such a bad guy either. Say, who was it that launched into a diatribe (about going to war) against me a couple of days ago? Yupper, our pal 92NSX.

I guess you decided to pick fights with me today... geez... you seemed like a great guy at NSXPO.

Not picking on you, I merely cautioned you against calling this the “official stupidest thread” on PRIME. Now, who is picking on who?

Yes, I am a great guy, so is Mr.Troll, whomever he is.

Besides, you’re just mad at me because I didn’t have all the kinks worked out on my car to take you for a ride at NSXPO last year. :cool:
AndyVecsey said:

Besides, you’re just mad at me because I didn’t have all the kinks worked out on my car to take you for a ride at NSXPO last year. :cool:

HAHA... you got me there :D

I know you are not a bad guy... somedays we all just need to lighten up :)
NetViper said:
HAHA... you got me there :D

I know you are not a bad guy... somedays we all just need to lighten up :)
I was worried about you for a bit there Dave ;). Look, I was just having a bit of fun. If Troll Patrol's presence is going to disrupt the Prime carma I'll send him back into a coma. :D

BTW, Dave is right - Troll Patrol is owed no respect because of who he might be, because he IS anonymous.
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