I have a new idea

21 September 2002
Lawrence, MA
this might be a fun idea for us nsxprime members to do. It has to do with a videogames so if you don't like them you better stop reading this. Okay now with the explaination.

Hopefully next year a new game called shukoto battle online is coming out. It is basically like tokyo xtreme racer. But you get 6 diffrent highways to choose from and you get to race against eachother online. You could also set teams up online.

Now your wonder why the hell is he telling us this. Well i was wonder maybe when the game comes out us nsx fans can make a nsxprime or just a nsx club to race and have monthly drives in. I think it sounds pretty cool we could have a nsx drive without actually owning one. Or we could have a fun time racing eachother down the highways of tokyo and look at it this way you wont get in trouble by the police too.

From what i have heard the graphics are going to be pretty realistic and the car are actually liscenced. Also you will be able to swap engine in your car and other neet stuff.
You could do body modifications and they might even have a 4 player race which is what they tried to do in Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2 but couldn't cause the Dreamcast couldn't handle that type or performance.Anyways if you are interest please think about buying the game and trying it out.

Please tell me what you think.

I will post the site so you guys could see what you think of it. Just to tell you thier is no pictures but just look at Tokyo Xtreme Racer 01 which is almost the same thing but for PS2.
Does this require a PS2 or does it run on a pc? If all that is need is a pc I am in for sure. I am a video game addict.
It is for PC so you guys shouldn't realy have much trouble except for the specifications. The minimun requirements are a 800Mhz processor. A 86x motherboard with a nvida4 blah blah. You need at least a 56k modem i think. You need a computer with at least 500bus thingy. And some other stuff.

Hey i'm not a computer freak so i don't remember all the terms but i will tell you the site right now.

I just have to go and get it.
Here is the site that shows all the tokyo xtreme racers or the shukoto battle ect.

Got to babelfish.altavista.com
this will give you a translator then just view the page and you could read almost everything.

Please now that you see how it looks like you can tell me what you think about my new idea.
This is all that is out to the public.

They did a picking of 100 people to test the shukoto battle online. But you have to be a resident of japan to do this. I tried to sign up but couldn't.

If you want to read what it says than just use this site.


Put exactly that in and it will bring you to a traslator. Then you could read what it is about.

Hey have you notice that they made the track exactly like the way in real life. They use laser pinpoint thingy which makes the track as real as the one in tokyo. I hope alot of people read this cause i think this is a great idea.

There is one video of tokyo xtreme racer 01 in gamespot but you have to pay to view it which realy sucks. This would of at least give me a clue how the game will look like.
Hi Raven,

First of all, thanks for the info of this game. I love racing games but this one is going to rock my world! to play online with others that's a great idea. NSX is a fast/good handling car but as you know it's unsafe to race like the video games. I saw that this game will be out on 3/03, but I think it's not english version right ?
Anyways, Thanks for the info and I look forward for this online racing game.

'93 NSX
'02 SC430
If you guys want to see how the gameplay is and how the game might be just go and play tokyo xtreme racer 2, or zero.
i guess know one like this idea hu. Oh well if you like it try to spread this idea to other people you know. Maybe they just don't go the off topic place to much so they haven't seen my idea yet.

Don't you have to have a Dreamcast to play Tokyo Racer Extreme 2?

If it is on PC I could play it.

Also, are there any demos of any of these games that we can download and try out on the PC?
Sorry you do need a dreamcast or PS2. If you want to try it just go to your local blockbuster. Rent Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero.
This is kind of like the online version except that the online has better graphics, more highways, more rivals, and i think more cars. And just to tell you this game has a huge amount of highway already. It is close to i think 300 miles of real highway. In the online though i think it has 6 highways which will mean around 500+ miles or more.

Just to tell you the nsx sucks in the game. I don't know but i don't think the makers like the nsx. A damb 86 toyota corolla beat me in my 400+hp and 2600lb. NSX. Just to tell you the corolla wan't even a boss just a normal street racer. If you played the game you will know what i'm talking about.

I still like it thought cause it is realy fun. I just wanted to tell you guys to rent it.