I hate to ask this question but

I'm sorry, I tried not to post but couldn't help it. I'm still laughing..... It must be Friday and I need to go drive. When you find one please post a pic and good luck, I really mean it.
Dude,thats like really weird.
MYNSX (you are killing me!!)
Originally posted by Batman:
has anyone ever carried a bicycle on their NSX? If so what kind or bike rack did (do) you use.

Everyone else please be kind.

Yes, someone has done it - I can't remember who right off hand but I know that I have seen a picture of it - and it was someone pretty well known in the community from what I can recall... if I come across the picture back at home I'll post it...

Andrew Henderson
The NSX Model List Page

"We have long acknowledged that enthusiasm for things automotive is a sure
sign of emotional instability if not outright dementia"
- Brock Yates
Having carried a bike on the back of a few cars, I don't know if the basic single bike kits would work, but I wouldn't be that adverse to trying it, and think it might work.

The tires can pop off and should fit in the trunk (I hope?) and then just lash the bike down tight to the rack. Maybe a towel between the bike and the car... The hardest part, IMO, would actually be the ground clearance, since a bike is a good bit taller than the trunk.

But that all depends on the carrier you use...
Originally posted by lemansnsx:
Yes, someone has done it - I can't remember who right off hand but I know that I have seen a picture of it - and it was someone pretty well known in the community from what I can recall... if I come across the picture back at home I'll post it...

Was is Keith Jarrett?

(Edit: Was it Keith Jarrett, not What is Keith Jarrett. Oops!)

[This message has been edited by POWERED by HONDA (edited 27 July 2002).]
My MG had a nice luggage rack on it -- maybe you could fit one in front of the spoiler on the trunk lid?


Seriously, have you looked at the Window Mount bike rack kits? Maybe one would fit OK on the passenger side.


[This message has been edited by aaronb (edited 27 July 2002).]