I had no IDEA!!!!

13 August 2011
After buying my 91 NSX in September, I waited patiently while the speakers and window thingies were repaired, then waited again while the transmission was replaced with short gears. The car is beautiful, but after driving Lotuses for 30 years, I was used to beautiful. I bought the NSX because i just could not keep the Esprit running and finally gave up. After a two year search, I felt that the NSX was the best way to recapture the passion for driving that had always been a part of me while having some modicum of reliability. The transmission replacement didn't bother me that much after years of Lotus problems, but I was a little hesitant to drive the NSX, just not wanting it to break.

Well, yesterday, I took it out for a 100 mile drive. Up the Columbia River Gorge and back on beautiful, twisty roads on a day with little traffic. It is an magnificent machine, a little heavy after the Esprit's 2000 lbs, but responsive and fun after you adjust to it.

I don't usually push cars that much and seldom see the upper part of the RPM range, but this car just begs you to wind it up. So as we pulled out onto a particularly nice stretch, I put my foot in it and wound it up to about 7000 in 2nd then again in 3rd. Up to 80 in nothing flat.

As we would say in the South, Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. :) Amazing!!!! Absolutely amazing!!! The power was like something i have never felt before!! the car just came alive. No wonder these machines hold their value and have a following like this. I don't think there is anything under 100k that can touch it.

On the way back, we were pulled over by a Washington State Trooper. 58 in a 50 mph zone and I found that I didn't have my registration with me and my insurance card was out of date. i had the insurance but not the new card. He checked everything and just admired the car. You could tell how much he appreciated it. After a pleasant conversation, he let me go with a warning and a smile.

People love this car and i can see why. If you don't have one yet, do yourself a favor, get it soon.
Glad you like the car, but your preaching to the Choir here. :biggrin:
We all know how you feel thats why we own one. :wink:
I've owned 52 cars, and the NSX is only one that has lasted more than 2 years in my ownership. It's been so good to me that I'm going on 12 years of ownership. :smile:
That's what most of felt the first time we drove our's. Welcome to the family.:smile:
7000?! Stop being a wussy. Rev limiter is at 8200. :wink:
It is an magnificent machine, a little heavy after the Esprit's 2000 lbs, but responsive and fun after you adjust to it.

I'm glad you are enjoying the car!

Your comment made me giggle. I have never heard the car characterized as heavy and it was completely unexpected. It is refreshing to hear comments and experience from the other end of the weight spectrum. Cheers!
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welcome.....you obeyed some of the principles of the exotic car owners handbook and it got you out of a citation.:smile: This car can easily become a lifstyle changer for some, it opens up a world of car club meets/drives/ ect....but coming from lotus ownership,you knew that:wink:
I owned a Lotus Europa 1974 special. It was at the shop so
often I forgot who actaully owned the car. My favorite failure
was when the throttle cable broke.

The NSX is everything you hoped the Lotus would be.
7000?! Stop being a wussy. Rev limiter is at 8200. :wink:

Stole what I was going to say. Really, you're wasting 1k of revs and acceleration. It can handle it. :biggrin: My car has had numerous track days with no ill effects, hours with every shift right at 8k (or even at the rev limiter on occassion).
Love your story - for me, owning the NSX and driving her is always a nice adventure. Where in the South are you?

Always loved and wanted the Lotus Europa Johnny Player Special, but (luckily I guess....) never got one. I instead suffered with a plethora of MG's, Triumphs, a 914, and three Fiats....

Finally came to the Japanese vehicles - 280Z, MR2, Miata, Celica - and now happily own (and plan to keep) the S2000 and my NSX. As someone else said - I'm finally content with my stable of cars and with no itch to change.

And, nothing like accelerating in 2nd gear into VTEC land... :smile: Jay
Best thing is that you'll feel like that every time you drive it, this car just never gets old. I find myself saying "Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!" quite frequently down here in Tennessee. Welcome---
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Power is not NSX's strength.

The car really comes alive on twisty roads. Keep the gear between 3rd and 4th and RPM between 5-7K, you should try that next time, your heart will be pumping fast and you'll be smiling all the way through.
Best thing is that you'll feel like that every time you drive it, this car just never gets old. I find myself saying "Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!" quite frequently down here in Tennessee. Welcome---

^That's what I was thinking. My hottie excites me every time I take it out. :biggrin:
Great write up for a first time experience to share with all those here that have had them many times! It makes me sad to realize I no longer have my NSX - but another will grace my garrage one day! It is a wonderful car - and compared to old Lotuses - it damn sure feels heavy and with no power steering it feels heavy but after a while you get where you really like that raw steering feel - nothing better than no PS to change the way you feel the road. You keep getting that car out on the road like that - it's a great machine for it. All the best and welcome to the club! Sheeeeeeeet I am missing my NSX!!!!:biggrin:
Welcome to the joys of NSX owership. I've driven up the gorge on the Washington side, crossed at Hood River, stopped to watch the wind surfers and back on the Oregon side. Scenic would be an understatement.

There are lots of fun roads going to the coast. Highway 53 (between Nehalem and Hwy 26) is a great road for the NSX.

Your machine will do 80mph in 2nd; it's a thrill that never gets old.

They pulled you over for going 58 in a 50 mph zone. WTF?

The trooper just wanted an excuse to check out an amazing car :smile:

Makes me want to go and and take it for a spin... but after the snow on Dec. 4 here, she is put away for the winter... too much gravel on the roads now... I need to work on getting a 2nd one for a dd :biggrin: