I had a dream (about NSX2)

2 October 2001
I had the most vivid dream last night, I woke up thinking it was real!!!

I dreamt i uncovered a leaked document on the web about the next NSX. It was a plain grey page with some of the following specs that i can recall:

0-60 3.9sec
Top Speed 220mph

There were also gear ratios and torque info but i can't remember those figures accurately.
There wasn't any picture, but i remember thinking the new NSX design was awesome and quite similar to current NSX-R design.

I was so excited by this discovery, that i tried posting the info on NSXprime ... but the server was timing out. I'm glad to see I'm not having such problems today. I was excited but frustrated, and that's when i woke up (in a knot

So who knows... maybe it was a vision, not a dream, and there is truth in those specs.
Or perhaps i've been spending too much time on NSXprime...
0-60 3.9sec
Top Speed 220mph
The specs above is what all of us will like to see for the new NSX. If honda really make the engine "V12" with 450bhp and "VETC", 3.9sec & 220mph will be possible.


Best regard,

Dreamzsport Featured NSX-R Style Carbon Fiber Wing

[email protected]
Perhaps you were in the "Matrix" when you dreamed about the NSX 2.

The question is, will you betray humanity in exchange to stay in the Matrix II driving your NSX 2?
Originally posted by NSX_Dreamer:
Perhaps you were in the "Matrix" when you dreamed about the NSX 2.
The question is, will you betray humanity in exchange to stay in the Matrix II driving your NSX 2?

i won't betray humanity... but i am working on a compromise; i'm trying to locate all the NSXprime guys within the matrix... then we'll release you into the 'Real World' so we can all go crusin'.
Except Trinity keeps complaining about how much time i spend with the NSX and nags about saving the world, blah, blah, blah...

If ever you guys want to experience the matrix for yourselves, just watch the movie on DVD late at night, and eat a lot of cheese pizza before falling asleep. No blue pills required.
Hey kld12 ... i know... only 450HP from a V-12? Yeah, should have been a V-8...i guess dreams never make sense though.
also 220mph seems wrong too (works out to 352km... a Lambo Murc is ~330km, while a McLaren F1 maxs out at 391km).

i didn't see any photo in my dream; just that i knew it was like the NSX-R and that left a 'good feeling'. If i did see it, i'd be drawing and posting it here for comments.
hehehe... a media leak from the matrix.