I GOT IT!!!!

21 September 2002
Lawrence, MA
No if you think I got an NSX. I'm only sixteen.

I Got my permit today. Yeah. Now I'm one step closer to being able to drive and own a NSX.

Well just wanted to tell you guys sorry for everyone who thought I was a new NSX owner. I wish I was
Congrats midnight!!!

ditto Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT> ... safety comes first; NSX's don't grow on trees. (NSX's tend to disagree with trees actually
Yeah safety is always first. I don't want to die yet. 16 years alive is nothing compared to 70 or 100. Hopefully death doesn't happen to me in a long time.

My dad said he is going to take me on my first practice on sunday. In a parking lot to learn the basics.
Hey I'm getting to my 200th post yeah. Sorry but I don't post often so 200 is alot for me.
congrats. i hope you stay safe. a quick 'fatherly' note; ive read several times about the high incidence of accidents and fatalities among young drivers. Be careful. The line between 'just having fun' and statistic isnt drawn in bold red crayon.

Its great to be able to drive, and truly a rite of passage. Treat it as such.

Lecture over. Congrats again and have fun.

(if my post irritates you, show it to your dad. He'll appreciate what im saying)
No I'm not crazy like that. I wouldn't do anything stupid right now. First I will just practice learn how to drive. Then in a couple of years,like when I'm 21 or so, I will then try to have some fun like going to the tracks or maybe go to the drag strip even though I'm not too big of a drag strip kind of person. I told you I don't plan on dieing soon. Hopefully it works out my way.
Well today was my first day of learning how to drive. I say I drove for about half an hour altogether. Here is my opinion on driving.

It was quite a surprise but driving is not very difficult. Once you get use to the way you are suppose to turn and how you are suppose to brake and accelerate everything else goes pretty simple. Actually my dad felt that I was so comfortable with driving a car he took me to some rural area which is not so heavily populated but still people were driving. I learn some rules on the road got some practice. I didn't go over 25 mph though so I didn't get to go pretty fast but it was a great experience. I loved it. I just love the feeling of how you, the driver, are in control of the movement and the speed. Maybe that is why I like cars so much. Although one thing changed my old theory which some of you might known. Although I didn't go fast it felt faster while I was driving than while I was the passanger. My theory was that being the passanger made the car to seem like it was going faster since you are not in control of the vehicle while it is in motion. I guess I proved my theory wrong but yet I may be right. I did only hit 25mph and I didn't drive fast enough to say it is like that at every speed. Eventually I will tell you if my thoery is right.

Just wanted you guys to know how my first drive went and that I have a big smile on my face
Hey forgot to tell you guys that I had one of the coolest things happen to me while I was driving. I saw a red NSX in my area. Man that must mean something first time driving and seeing a red nsx go by in the distance. Must mean something don't you think. Hopefully it was a symbol of happiness and good fortune. Just to let you know the nsx in my city is very, very, very rare. Last time I saw one was in boston a couple of weeks ago while it was heading to like New Hampshire and the last nsx I saw before that was in the summer of 2002. So I have seen only three NSX in one year. Sometimes I don't see any at all in a year.
Midnight_Raven said:
Hey forgot to tell you guys that I had one of the coolest things happen to me while I was driving. I saw a red NSX in my area. Man that must mean something first time driving and seeing a red nsx go by in the distance. Must mean something don't you think. Hopefully it was a symbol of happiness and good fortune.

Definitely an omen. :)

Your post brings me back to my first time driving. I was scared as hell, and afraid to do anything in traffic. Amazing I didn't get into any wrecks!
If I see one next time I have a practice, I'm going to do it again and again day in and out.