I got a new job.....finally!!!

1 April 2003
Huntington Beach, CA
You're looking at the newest Associate Editor for StreetScene Magazine :D (okay, so you're not actually looking at me, but you get the idea). I don't know if anyone remembers me ranting about how much I hated my job a while back ( http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=19706&highlight=hate+my+job ) :rolleyes: but I finally found a new one up in Simi Valley. This one should be everything I ever wanted in a job, minus that 7-figure salary I always thought I deserved :D. There wasn't really any point to this post other than I am excited and wanted to share it with the community that gave me the drive to make it happen. (Thanks Tan!! Don't get rid of the car just yet. I'm saving up to take it home w/ me, even if it isn't as soon as I'd have liked.) WOO-HOO!! :D :D :D

thanks for the support, guys. I truly appreciate it.

gheba_nsx: yah, i know.... that picture isn't really my best angle :D ....... but knew you would say that I did, mmm :D

Taj: HB to Simi to HB, daily? no, no, no..... i see a moving van in my future, which i guess will make it a little bit longer drive to come down here for the NSX meetings..... so be it... at least the drive will be pleasurable

Which mag is it? Did a search and this is what I came up with.
KGP: yup, that's the one! I grew up around street rods, so this hits really close to home for me. Ironically, I'm from Memphis, TN and their headquarters is in Memphis. I moved to Calif. and their only office outside of Memphis is in Calif. Funny--I move 2000 miles away from TN to go to work for a place whose main office used to be about 2 miles from my house.

Joel: yes, we did meet at the El Torito in Santa Monica in early Aug/Sept (I can't remember- they all run together for me). Hopefully, I'll be able to attend more events being up there. (I guess that would be the CalCoastal group?)
I'll bring you a floppy. BTW, I went to Button Willow with Art (your ex-roommate) about 5 to 6 weeks ago.

See you tomorrow.
Red Robin 2mrow.....

hmmm, I'd thought about the meeting tomorrow night & wasn't sure I'd be able to make it b/c I've been on pins & needles waiting to hear back from the magazine, but since I met w/ them yesterday, that frees up my evenings all wk. I should be there.
