I finally pulled the trigger

27 July 2009
East Greenwich, RI, USA
Well, I finally did it. I bought a 2003 Silverstone NSX-T off this list and it is fantastic! The car is all everyone says it is and more. It is the most excellent piece of automotive engineering I have ever driven. I promised myself I would limit the mileage to about 3-4K miles per year, but this isn't going to be easy. I drove the car back east to RI from Chicago. What a trip! Where ever I stopped it drew a crowd. I came out of a restaurant to find about 8 people standing around the car taking pictures with their cell phones. Obviously, the previous owner did a fantastic job taking care of the car. He was also a pleasure to deal with.
Now my question. Is there a way to filter this list to find the owners / members that live in Rhode Island? I would like to network with the locals (if any). The NSX appears to be popular on the west coast, but almost unheard of in RI.


I'm in South County and I'm picking up my new-to-me red NSX this week. Should have it Thursday.

I see a black NSX in Narragansett occasionally, but don't know the owner.

Congrats and welcome.
You will have a hard time keeping the miles low.
They are a plast to drive, but then you don't have to keep the miles low.
After all it's a Honda and will last for years and years.
Same as you, I was planning 3-4k a year... In the last 3-4 months I'm at 2600...and still have 3 months before hibernation!

Make sure you post in the Northeast Region forum... You'll be able to find other RI guys there. Also, I plan on bringing mine up to RI next month to visit friends/family. ;)
In the NE, if it's your weekend car and you plan on enjoying it, plan on 6-7000 miles p/year. I've had mine 6 1/2 years and have just over 50000 funfilled miles!
Congrats and welcome!
Now my question. Is there a way to filter this list to find the owners / members that live in Rhode Island? I would like to network with the locals (if any). The NSX appears to be popular on the west coast, but almost unheard of in RI.


Check the "Northeast US region" section of Prime.

PS; Dont filter, all the best/interesting Yahoos on Prime live somewhere else ;)
limit the mileage? why would you want to do that? drive the thing and enjoy life:smile:
Congrats on the machine!

I've owned mine for a little over a year and put 10K on it (loved every mile).

Enjoy it; that's why you bought it.

In RI you only get so much nice weather, take it to the beach!
Congrats, and welcome aboard. Is the grin off your face yet?:wink: Why limit to 3-4K miles per year? I don't put too much mileage on mine, but it is not because I'm limiting the mileage, it is the 4 kids. I drive it when I can. My philosophy is why save the mileage for the next owner. Enjoy the car when you do own it. Happy & safe driving.:smile:
Welcome to the NE region,I don't have to remind you about nsxpo,or the great group of owners the NE has:wink: Prime also has a nice group from all over that welcome new owners from anywhere:smile: Enjoy your car.
Congrats on the purchase and don't worry about limiting the mileage... mother nature takes care of the for us here in the northeast. :rolleyes:
congrats!! I say drive the hell out of her and enjoy it the way the car was design to.