I can't believe it is my birthday.


27 May 2002
In the South
Well, the day is here. It has been a crazy year: serious accident, war, governor recalled and fire-storm in San Diego. 2003 will definitely be a year for me to remember, because I am smack right in the middle of most of the things that are going on.

Take care everyone,
Happy bday!

Here's to hoping next year treats you better!

Happy birthday!

Everyone I know seems to have had one particularily bad year recently. Mine was 2000 and the events were as follows. I broke off an engagement, blew an engine in my Mustang, found out my boss was a drug addict, and to really make the year a winner, I was in a serious motorcycle crash because a car hit me on the highway.
My birthday was back in august, but 2003 has not been the most stellar year for me either. Along with all the world issues, I was let go from my job (first time in my life), I was in a serious car accident 3 weeks ago and now have a rod in my leg for the rest of my life, have dealt with moving, car problems, and family issues (all of which have been resolved).

I am looking forward to a new start by 2004. Hopefully by July I will be able to buy an NSX. Here's to hoping...

Happy birthday I guess (though this seems to be kind of a downer thread)...
Thankyou everyone. No, this is not a downer thread, just pointing out all the tough spots in life and why we should never, never, ever give up because there are people who cares.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! and hope you have many more to come!!!!!

I left you a present in your closet!:D
This is great stuff!
happy b'day!

i had a great year, renewed my job contract in Japan, made great friends, bought NSX parts and partied a lot!
(just to offset any 'downer' vibes:D )
Happy birthday NSX/MR2. I see from your sig that you have both a MR2 and NSX. I wish i could have kept my MR2 but i had to make way for the NSX. Not to say at all that i regret getting the NSX but I wish i could have had both. Ah well, maybe one day i'll be able to pick one up again.
Even though it is my birthday, I can see from some of the posts on here that not everyone is as fortunate. I wish everyone absolutely the best.


It is awesome owning both the NSX and MR2. They are both good looking, reliable, fast and mid-engined.