I bought a SLK 320 for the wife

6 April 2002
Wrightsville, Pa
I recently traded my wifes BMW Z3 for a new F-150 for myself while she was away. To say the least she was pissed at me. To get her off my ass, I bought her a car Friday. My friend that owns Prestige Imports in Baltimore took me to the Manheim auction. It is a mad house, 29 lanes running cars through. The markup on used cars is sickening when you see what the dealer pays. So to get to the point of this thread:

Has anyone owned on of these? What type of problems are typical?

You have 3 sports cars and bought yourself a truck selling her car.... how dare she be pissed! ;)

Dealer markup on used cars can be HUGE depending on the car. Most of the used lots around here just get a car and add $2-3K to the price they paid.
She is not a stay at home wife, however, I bought the car with my bonus 2 years ago. It was done in humor. I hated that piece of crap Z3. It was constantly in the shop and the service at BMW dealerships in Maryland is the worst. I think she made out pretty good with the SLK.