I believe I saw a wild cougar last night!

8 February 2003
45 min N. of Road America in Appleton WI
I was driving N on I65 about 45 miles north of Indy @ about 3:30 am heading back to WI and I saw something that looked exactly like this standing about 6 feet down the ditch looking at me! Cool as hell!!! I did some research and found sporadic sightings in the midwest. The area was wooded, and no town or crossroads for at least 10 miles.


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I don't doubt it for a second! My family has a farm in north Missouri, and for a few years the locals have been claiming to see cougars, only to be dissed by others (very small town). Well, last week some guy killed a 7 foot cougar on his farm. My local UPS driver has family up there as well, and brought by a picture of the thing, It was huge. I have been looking for a pic on the internet, but haven't found one yet. I have no idea why the guy shot it yet.

Also, last year a guy killed a wolf (thought it was a coyote). When he inspected it he found some type of conservation department tag. After tracing the tag, it turns out the the wolf was tagged almost exactly 1 year before in the upper UP of Michigan. Made its wat from the UP to northern Missouri in 1 year.
KGP said:
Made its way from the UP to northern Missouri in 1 year.

Wow! Thats just it, most of these animals sleep all day, and are nocturnal hunters. Unless you surprise it with lights, or with nightvision/infrared, most of us never see them. I am starting to see why people are seeing them more, its because there is not much natural habitat left. New subdivisions growing in woods and cornfields every day.
Limited space was why a cougar killed a guy in California this week. He attacked a woman,too, before the cops hunted him down.

There is more and more of us. It may be good for the economy but I sure miss the days when it did not taske me 2 hours of highway driving to see a forest.