HSC bodykit for NSX?

2 October 2001
Before you flame me and burn me as a heretic, hear me out...

The HSC created a bit of a storm when unveiled. The front looked pretty awesome.
Since the NSX lends itself to modifications, why haven't we seen a HSC bodykit for the NSX? Or is there one and i've missed it?

Disclaimer: i am not encouraging anyone to modify your nsx. Doing so is a serious hazard to your wallet and creditability on this forum. :p
At one time, Downforce was considering the development of an HSC body kit. But, it did not materialize:

no hsc bodykit will be made

I'm not interested in doing widebody kits anymore because it makes any car sluggish and heavy. The cost on the consumer side is also very high with the need to purchase new wheels and sometimes new suspension.

I personally would like to build a HSC kit, but I feel there is not enough people to warrant a project that might take me close to 1/2 a year to complete. My current operating cost per month is around $50k~$60k now so a kit will cost me around over $300k and if sell 10 kits that is a total loss. If I won the lottery I would build one without any care about money because NSX market is my passion.

So it's possible, but not likely. At the current trend of the economy it doesn't look very good for us as well. My investment into the compact market is not well received, people are into price rather than quality.

That's too bad, but I realize it comes down to pennies. Thanx for the link Ojas.

Such a shame because with the HSC canned, a HSC bodykit would be soooo EXCLUSIVE; even more than owning an Enzo or Zonda.
I think a Lamborghini with a Fiero body kit would be much more exclusive.:biggrin:
DJ from GT-Rom here,

To be honest, Mr. Tamura and I were talking about the HSC the other day. The "new" NSX is unfortunately the end of Arton Senna's dream (name spell check?). Especially if it stays like the block of metal they show in magazines here.
There are many obstacles to get over when it comes to selling an HSC body kit as our product, but if there is a base mold and someone else happens to pour a little fibre in after we do who's to say there couldn't be more than one? We'll just charge you for the fibre, mold is free! Aluminum is out for sure, cost would kill so that only leaves us to the creative hands of fine craftsman here in Japan. If the market wants it I'll look into seeing what we can do! He's already done the new R-GT rear bumper, check it out, I love it.
If you want pics of the HSC I was at the Osaka show years ago when they revealed it! Video and all, sooo awesome. That was when the door mirrors where CCD cameras that relayed the view to a monitor in the dash! The Honda girls were cute too...wife didn't like them...but then my wife hates the NSX...says its sexier than she is...I might have to agree...when she's not around that is:biggrin:

Seriously I love my NSX and If you make an HSC Kit for it I will buy a crashed NSX and rebuild it using the HSC body even if it cost me 60K to do it. count me in.
please make a HSC body kit!

the sky's the limit

and if it is in production please inform us as soon as possible so we can plan our bank account for it :)
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an HSC body kit would make so many people happy. i can almost promise, that atleast 70% of the people on prime wanted the next nsx to be the HSC, or something close. maybe this will help.

maybe the HSC kit will bring up the NSX's value :biggrin:
A quick photochop, ill fix it up tonight :)


Not the best effort, i guess it gives some sort idea of what a kit might look like...hard photo chop not bad for a civil engineer :cool: :biggrin: It would look DAM HOT!!!!!!! come on some make this kit



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