HPDE Instructor -> dick

30 August 2005
Came across this video.... What a total dick! He wouldn't even have to ask, I would have dumped his ass in the pit and went straight to the Chief Instructor. After all, instructors => free track time, students are paying your way. What a dick. As an instructor, my goal is for my students #1 be safe, #2 have fun, #3 learn to go faster. IN THAT ORDER. ;)

<iframe width="853" height="510" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Mwa9TMG63fM?hd=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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At least they got this guy a "better" instructor for the next session. :smile:

<iframe width="853" height="510" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WcOJ7G7fZKg?hd=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Wow, who pissed in that instructor's cereal in the morning? I didn't see anything wrong with the guy's driving, especially considering it was his first day on a track. He was just being a total jerk for no reason it seemed.
I've had the whole range. From the instructor I had to send an official complaint on at Trackmasters, to a guy I would take everytime from now on.

All instructors and all instruction is certainly NOT the same. I learned very little with the bad instructor and learned a world with the good one.

My best ever was Klaus Hirtes, who I would take again anytime. Just a phenomenal teacher.
Glad to read that this guy got fired in the comments.
Wish I had a camera in the car with my asshole instructor. Pretty certain he would be gone too.
Consider me a cynic but I am suspecting that this may have been a designed joke for some laughter. The voice of the female from the paddock at the end sounded like Bonnie from T.E.A.M.

As Sylvan noted, for a first time tracker (unless he meant to say at this track), the student was doing "extremely" well given some of the tricky lines at Thunderhill that one doesn't get it right the first time irrespective of how many video games he played. I mean no one gets turns 1 with throttle to the track out berm, reducing radius 2, tricky 3, blind landing 5, late 6, passing at 7 and still going on the berm at 8 with good speed, taking blind 9 and landing smack at the trackout berm, 12/13 throttling over the berms, 15 right the first time barely missing the apex ....... I don't thinks so.
Consider me a cynic but I am suspecting that this may have been a designed joke for some laughter. The voice of the female from the paddock at the end sounded like Bonnie from T.E.A.M.

As Sylvan noted, for a first time tracker (unless he meant to say at this track), the student was doing "extremely" well given some of the tricky lines at Thunderhill that one doesn't get it right the first time irrespective of how many video games he played. I mean no one gets turns 1 with throttle to the track out berm, reducing radius 2, tricky 3, blind landing 5, late 6, passing at 7 and still going on the berm at 8 with good speed, taking blind 9 and landing smack at the trackout berm, 12/13 throttling over the berms, 15 right the first time barely missing the apex ....... I don't thinks so.

I freaked out my instructor pretty good at my "first" track day with how late I was braking in to turns.

I had a good 6 years of autocross under my belt before I ever set foot on a track though so I was pretty familiar with my car, not saying that is the case here but anything is possible.
I really expected much worse. This whole drive is no worse than when I drive to the grocery store and my wife complains about my driving the whole way there. :eek:

Need to get some thicker skin.

A) I have never tracked but IMO the driver was going pretty slow.

B) I would have not pitted and kept the whiny instructor bitch in the car one more lap!
I really expected much worse. This whole drive is no worse than when I drive to the grocery store and my wife complains about my driving the whole way there. :eek:

Need to get some thicker skin.

A) I have never tracked but IMO the driver was going pretty slow.

B) I would have not pitted and kept the whiny instructor bitch in the car one more lap!

FWIW: The driver of the Mazdaspeed 3 wasn't driving that slow, most people who have not tracked have very little idea on how a car feels at the track, it's not only the speed, it's the acceleration, it's the g-forces from cornering, off camber turns, braking, blind crests, etc. The driver was probably driving at 7-8/10ths in some parts of the track, most newbies don't go that fast when it is their first time at the track, most instructors prefer their student to be focused more on the line as well as being smooth rather than outright speed for their students.

The instructor probably got scared from the get go by the acceleration style of the driver out of the hot pits, and things went downhill from there for the instructor. Pointing out the no apexing on Turn 1 on pit exit and asking to be let off and asking for a different instructor for the student were the only good things that the instructor provided for this particular student.

The driver drove pretty well in that lap not really making any major mistakes, glad that he was able to find an instructor that he was comfortable working with.
The second instructor I ever had did this same thing to me, but he went so far as to turn my ass into the lead instructor. The lead instructor took a few laps with me and told my instructor to go home. I wasn't his first student to try and humiliate, but I was his last :biggrin:.

I also think this was set up to be a "what not to do" as an instructor. The driving wasn't that bad and by no means unsafe.
Wow, what a complete and utter jackass. Who complains about a jerky upshift? And then proceeds to offer nothing remotely constructive. I'd like to think that I would have went a couple more laps. I've had a few bad instructors but nothing like this.

All I know is that I'd hate to be that "instructor's" kid.
On behalf of instructors everywhere, I appologize to that student.

(sent from Paris, France on my iPad!!)
Re: In that asshole's defense.

I've instructed with that group (I recognize the jackets and grid pattern) and can say it is very controlling in the name of safety and "high standards". They take the approach that every student is clueless and clumsy and that there are no naturals (like Sylvan). I did not enjoy the pecking order atmosphere that permeates not only to students but to new instructors.

That instructor was inexcusably outside the norm, but I can see how his innate bad attitude could be exacerbated by the organization's "culture."
I have watched that 1st video before. I found it hard to believe that it isn't a fake!! But apparently it isn't!! Truly sad and pathetic.:mad: