How to remove shift handle on automitic

18 February 2008
Lewisville TX
Can any one tell me how to remove the shift handle on a 91 automatic,

a bit concerned I'll tear it up by guessing??
About half way down the handle on each side there are philips head screws. Remove these two and pull the handle straight up.
Re: How to remove shift handle on automatic

This is a very simple and straightforward task. :smile: There is one phillips screw about halfway down the driver's side of the handle. Remove that and pull straight up.

The top of the handle holds a spring which provides tension to the button. Be sure to put the spring back in when reinstalling. It isn't tricky to reinstall the shifter either; place the spring behind the shifter button, then slide the shifter handle down over the shifter shaft until the hole for the phillips screw lines up, and reinstall the screw.

So easy even I can do it! :smile: