How to put a factory changer and bracket in?

11 November 2002
St. Louis
Previous owner took his factory changer with him and I now have a replacement changer and braket ready to go. How do you put the bracket and changer in? He said that the cable is in the trunk ready to go. Also, I see that the bracket allows it to rotate up and down, but not sure how it goes in. Anyone help here and/or provide link with step by step pictures?

Try here:

It is not a complete DIY for the bracket installation, but there are some good pics of the setup. If you car never had a CD installed you will have to remove the carpet from the right side truck. There are two brackets in the bracket kit that are shaped like this: __|---|__ (sorry for the poor rendition (only so much with an ASCII keyboard
). These will get mounted on pre-existing machined bosses on the right fender inside wall, behind the carpet.

You can then make some small holes in the carpet to mount the actual changer brackets (R & L) to.

If you get this far the link I gave you will help.

thanks for the help. It looks like everything is there except for the left mounting bracket. know where I can get this by itself? |_
Originally posted by jlindy:
Previous owner took his factory changer with him and I now have a replacement changer and braket ready to go. How do you put the bracket and changer in? He said that the cable is in the trunk ready to go. Also, I see that the bracket allows it to rotate up and down, but not sure how it goes in. Anyone help here and/or provide link with step by step pictures?

I can dig up the instructions I have and fax them to you. Private me at [email protected]. if you still need them. The previous owner of my NSX did the same thing. The install is really easy, once you get all of the parts needed.
Originally posted by jlindy:
Previous owner took his factory changer with him and I now have a replacement changer and bracket ready to go. How do you put the bracket and changer in? .....
He said that the cable is in the trunk ready to go....

Aside from the bracket installation, you need to considerthe following:

What exactly is your replacement changer model:

Is it Honda /Acura factory std. or Alpine general std?

If it is factory style replacement, indeed it will plug in directly to the cable already in the trunk.

If Alpine non-Honda-specific model, it will require Honda/Acura/Alpine adapter cable in addition, between the trunk cable & the changer.

Is it M-Bus or Ai-NET?

If M-Bus, see above, depending on whether Honda/Acura specific or general market available model changer.

If Ai-Net, (as in the CHA-S634 model)you will need an adapter for that in addition to the ACUALP adapter.
It is a factory NSX cd changer. I was told all I would have to do is plug it into the wire in the trunk, but when the Acura dealer tried to install it for me, they said the DIM cable and the left mounting bracket was missing. I have no idea what that is, but the DIM cable comes with the bracket assembly and so does the "L shaped" mounting bracket that was missing when I purchased the bracket and CD changer from a nsxprime user. Since they don't sell the DIM cable and the left mounting bracket by themselves, I don't know what to do besides having to rebuy what I just purchased.