how to hardware V1

8 March 2000
Austin, TX USA
I checked in the FAQ but I still don't understand how to hardwire my V1. Mine is mounted close to my rear view mirror. Do I just fine a wire and splice into it with the V1 hardwire kit? I saw the free connection above the fuse box but don't know how to connect the hardwire kit to it.

Help me...tired of cords

92 Red/Blk
Hey there pal!

I just spliced mine into the cig. lighter wire. It was pretty easy running the wire from the center console, behind/underneath the glovebox, up the A-pillar to the V1.

Private me if you'd like a hand with yours.


I saw it done in Al Terpak's car first, so I can't take credit, but if you pop the map lights and use the power and ground that they use, you have easy constant power. Note, I said constant. In my other car, I was able to find switched power in the roof, so that is really cool. I don't have to over exert myself to turn the V1 on every time I start my engine . . .

Anyway, easy and cool mod done in 30 minutes or less. BTW, I have done this in four cars already so I am always ready! Kevin
Originally posted by SilverOne:
I've read the faq and some old threads on here, but is there anyone in the LA area willing to help me out with finding the right wire as i don't feel comfortable in opening things up and splicing into wires.

thanks so much,

[email protected]
glad to hear it.splicing in works but is NOT the right way to do it.acura did not give us four aux 12 volt connections for the faq.there are four aux 12 volt supplies right above the kick panel fuse powers up when you turn your lights on.two power up with the ignition.and one is on all the time(dont use that the faq is a diagram of the fuse box and aux power it.then cut the wire on the connector you can buy that plugs into the cig the the red wire to one of the aug ign power slots and put a correct inline fuse (radio shack for a couple bucks and ground the black wire to the neaest bolt by the fuse box.clean and the way it should be can route the wires so they are concealed.there seems to be alot of folks just splicing all kinds of add ons into all parts of the wire harness.I will post a pic of the fuse box aux power slots and what type of connctor to use.if your gonna do it right.and it is not hard
ps read this for now and i will post clarification on what slot comes on with what action and pin #.
BadCarma is right, splicing is probably not the "right" way to do it, but ask anyone who knows me well and they will tell you that I'm lazy.
I didn't and don't feel like running the wire through the headliner and down to the fuse box if I don't have to. The way I see it, the headliner light is fused. The V1 is fused . . . it works . . . get my point? All in minutes. JMO. Kevin
Got the connetor from Radio Shack and got it all finally hardwired...finally got that darn cord out of the way

92 Red/Blk

[This message has been edited by NormRD (edited 12 September 2002).]