How to Get Beat-Up by a Woman

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jim
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Damn I dont know if it was sad or funny...

There was definintly a size advantage there! It was kinda funny too that the cop just goes on by...

i don't know what's more cruel.....the lady beating up the guy or the person filming the entire thing without helping.

maybe he was training to go into the ultimate fighting championship and this was the last round before he considers signing up.....:D
That's sad -- no guy should beat up a woman (or visa-versa) but fortuantely the woman was able to fight back. He looks a bit drunk/drugged... :( must be to keep going back for more punishment.

What does concern me is the children watching & screaming; what kind of example does this set? Not a very good one. :(

<B>Honda4Life</B>: LOL... size does matter! :p
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