How to fit instrument alu billets?

15 November 2002
Kongsberg, Norway
Last edited:

Thanks. I was looking for a step by step guide which I am pretty sure I saw here on Prime. Now I can not find it.

Hi Martin
I'm presuming you mean the ring replacement itself as opposed to overall plan including removal of the instrument cluster.
I think someone did have some pics as I recall - but it's pretty much a case of popping off the plastic rings then replacing them with the aluminum ones once you have the assembly out & access to the face. A little spot of glue or Silicone to hold them in place is advised.
It's pretty intuitive once you get the assembly out.

Yes D'Ecosse. I have bought only the rings. I did not want the whole "super carbon look" in my classic supercar :smile:

Just follow the installation guide. It pretty easy as long as you use a very thin screwdriver and don't try to break them out.

Thanks Chris. Got the mail. Thats exactly what I was looking for.

I think maybe I got D'Ecosse to throw the instruction away before he shipped it to me.

martin said:
.....I have bought only the rings. I did not want the whole "super carbon look" in my classic supercar ...
That wasn't really what I meant Martin - more a question of did you need a guide for start to finish of whole project (including removal of the instrument cluster form the dash), or just the 'final' part of replacing the actual rings themselves once you have the cluster out on your table.

No - I don't think I threw that away that I recall?
D'Ecosse said:
That wasn't really what I meant Martin - more a question of did you need a guide for start to finish of whole project (including removal of the instrument cluster form the dash), or just the 'final' part of replacing the actual rings themselves once you have the cluster out on your table.

Hi Ken

Yes, I was re-reading your message now and found out that I did misunderstand you and was to quick to reply.

I got mail from Chris with a start to finish guide.

I guess I should just print the whole servicemanual for the NSX and keep it handy. The pdf I got from Chris was a copy of the Service manual on how to remove the instrument cluster from the dash and info on how to add the rings.
